How Can Attachment Theory Helps Us Survive Quarantine?

With COVID-19 still in full swing and another wave of lockdowns looming as the temperature begins to drop, trying to find ways to socialize safely seems harder and harder every day. Even if we embrace digital happy hours, online family gatherings, so...

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Sep 21, 2020
On Climate Change, Colonialism and Corporations 

Four months ago I watched in alarm as fires devastated large sections of Australia. Speaking to my mum and my friends back home, I listened in dismay about the ash in the air and the fires that raged on, eluding human control. Firefighters bravely fo...

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Sep 17, 2020
The Case for AfroUrbanism

AfroUrbanism centers the lived experience of black people in the design and creation of black communities. It puts black culture at the fore, taking into account the past harms, current challenges, and future aspirations of black city dwellers. AfroU...

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Sep 13, 2020