SCIENCE STANS: HONEYSUCKLE’S TOP STEM STORIES At Honeysuckle, we value progress and curiosity as much as we do creativity and empathy. In fact, one would say you can’t have the latter without the former. And that’s where our love of science comes in...

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Nov 06, 2020
The Monopolization of the Meat Industry

Farmers and animal rights activists seem as if they would be long-time enemies, but when the culture of the meatpacking industry is broken down, a bigger issue emerges. Four massive meatpacking corporations have monopolized the entire meat industry a...

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Nov 05, 2020
Can AI Help Us Combat Fake News?

The exponential rise of fake news and misinformation significantly exacerbated the multiplicity of narratives and misinformation. Fake news, in particular as facilitated by fraudulent sites, social media, and bots is on the rise, posing significant t...

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Nov 03, 2020
7 Ways to Deal With Election Stress

As a society, it seems we are facing stressors from every side. We are months deep in a pandemic that has limited our personal freedoms and access to loved ones. We are bracing for a polarizing election, within which the basic human rights of several...

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Nov 03, 2020
November’s Tarot Reading: The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man – Right now, everything seems on the line. Many sacrifices are being called for – and made. A few things hang in the balance as the month kicks off. But hang in there and keep the faith. The challenges will be great and much is require...

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Nov 03, 2020