Are We Living in the Age of Gaslighting?

“You’re crazy.” “It’s not even a big deal.” “You’re just overreacting” “Calm down, you’re so dramatic” “It was just a joke.” It happens all the time. People are constantly told their perceived problems are not real, that they’re making up the issues...

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Sep 11, 2020
Remote Therapy in the Age of Coronavirus

When the coronavirus took hold in New York in March, therapy was among many things that made a hasty transition to online practice. For people who already have a therapist, the past five months involved unexpected problems and constant adjustments. F...

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Sep 09, 2020
America Needs to Embrace Mask Culture

At the beginning of quarantine, I joked with a friend that when the COVID-19 chaos was all over, there would be a massive movement in the fashion world towards “quarantine fashion,” consisting of outfits centered around masks, face shields, hazmat su...

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Sep 08, 2020
September’s Tarot Draw: Seven of Pentacles

  Seven of Pentacles – At this time, it may seem as if not much is happening. In fact, you might not see much growth for all the hard work you’ve been doing. Patience is necessary as is trust. The seed has been planted, the roots are growing deeply,...

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Sep 02, 2020