#092 - Start Your Own Podcast with Luis Diaz

In this episode, Andy brings on his podcast coach, Luis Diaz.   Luis Diaz is the founder of Top 10 Podcasts, a team of producers, online marketers, growth strategists, and fellow podcasters who have worked with some of the top-named podcasts in the h...

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Nov 18, 2022
#091 - Becoming Your Future Self

Do you know your future self?   Can you know your future self?       This concept of becoming your future self is different for everyone - I believe it is different based on your age. The younger you are, the more you may think that you know your fu...

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Nov 11, 2022
#090 - Should You Be A Pioneer?

The theme for this week is, Pioneer.   Should you be a pioneer? Should you pioneer something? Is being a pioneer an opportunity for success?   My default answer leading up to the week was, YES - yes, yes, yes.   Now my response is both YES & NO....

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Nov 04, 2022
#089 - One Phone Call Away

"You are just one phone call away.."   Last week I heard Steve Sims drop this gold nugget quote on a podcast as he gave advice to entrepreneurs - specifically how to make something BIG happen. How do you get what you want in life? You pick up the pho...

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Oct 28, 2022
#088 - What You Think About

"You become what you think about."   1956 - That was the year Earl Nightingale recorded the motivational speech titled, "The Strangest Secret", and the secret he delivered was the concept, "you become what you think about." 2002 - That was the year...

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Oct 21, 2022
#087 - Entrepreneurs Don't Complain About Problems

"Entrepreneurs don't complain about problems -- they solve them".   This quote is from Porter Erisman, the former Vice President of Alibaba Group, joining the company just as it moved out of founder Jack Ma's apartment. In Porter's new book, Alibaba'...

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Oct 18, 2022
#086 - The Candle Society

Okay, I'll add notes. These are the exact notes that I scribbled before hitting the record button. This is NOT word-for-word, but I thought it would be fun to share my brain dump, and maybe you'll find it interesting. ========== Do you know that when...

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Oct 16, 2022
#083 - The Last Look Concept

Boom! This is the fastest podcast episode ever released.  I encourage all of you to build better relationships so that you can earn what is called, THE LAST LOOK.  

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Sep 13, 2022