In this episode, Andy, delves into the nuanced debate of context versus control within the realm of management, particularly focusing on the irrigation industry. This concept, inspired by an episode of the Tim Ferriss show featuring Reed Hastings, co...
In the episode of the "Sprinkler Nerd Show," host Andy Humphrey and his guest, Paul, embark on a detailed discussion about the technical aspects of irrigation systems, specifically focusing on the importance of flow and pressure monitoring. Andy begi...
In the latest episode of the "Sprinkler Nerd Show," host Andy shares his insights on the importance of being unconventional in the irrigation and landscape industry. Below are key thoughts highlighted from the discussion: Embrace Unconv...
In this episode of the Sprinkler Nerd Show, Andy Humphrey shares his experiences and insights from Salt Lake City, Utah, where he visits OpConnect and spends quality time with his son at the University of Utah. He looks forward to enjoying St. Paddy'...
Self-reflection is the key. It's the process of questioning our methods, our decisions, and our attitudes towards change and adversity. It's about asking, "Am I the bottleneck in my team's performance? Do I resist new technologies or methods that co...
Smart controllers don’t save water. Nozzles don't save water. They CAN, but I believe that Irrigation professionals, who are CURIOUS ENOUGH to know how to use smart controllers have the potential to save water. 20 years is a long time not to have an...
PATENT REFERENCE: Background on the Invention: In certain areas of the country where dry climatic conditions prevail, sprinkling and irrigating systems are genera...
Tim Ferris Show Reference: Episode #721 Master Negotiator William Ury ========== William Ury introduces the concept of self-mastery and the critical role of self-regulation in negotiation and conflict resolution. He suggests that the power to i...
Hello, my friends. Welcome back to the Sprinkler Nerd Show. It's been a while since we last spoke. I'm your host, Andy Humphrey, and this is episode 154. You might notice that I sound a bit under the weather today—I've caught a cold. Thou...
Sprinkler Nerd Unite (theme song) [Verse] We're the nerds of the green, the rulers of the lawn Dressed in flannel shirts, rockin' shades like we're cool With our spray heads and rotors, we conquer all terrain We're the ones who make it rain, oh yea...