Instagram LogoIt was a dark night when Grandfather Kauri left his people. The moon was full and the ocean was alive with undulating waves. He walked slowly down the beach, feeling the wet sand between his toes as he went. His heart ached as he turned back to look at the tribe one last time: a cluster of small huts made from clay, thatched with palm leaves, and surrounded by lush jungle foliage. The ocean breeze carried their voices—a harmonious chorus of laughter and music—to him as he walked further from them into the dark night. He walked down to the water and sat down, letting his feet get wet. He closed his eyes and began chanting in a low voice. The water rose up around him and began swirling in a circle around him, forming into a protective shield that covered his entire body. He stayed there for awhile until he felt a sense of peace inside his little bubble of air and water, then opened his eyes again. "I'm ready," he said softly as the jet hatch opened and he stepped up into solid black aircraft. He took one last look at the beautiful island and smiled, then turned around and proceeded into the jet as the hatch closed behind him. He remembered it like yesterday. But now he stood on the side of the road in New Helix City, looking up at the towering B.A.S.T.I.O.N. headquarters building and the throngs of people rushing back and forth between meaningless destinations. Everything was different. But even though he knew this was his destiny, Kauri still yearned for his island. He missed the warmth of the sun on his back, and he missed being able to see for miles in every direction. But this was his home now. And he had no choice but to get used to it because the world needed him to be Rising Tide. #geekpsychology #pathofheroes #ISFJ #transformation #characterdesgin #originalcharacter #midjourneyai
Instagram LogoSam realized that he had no choice but to investigate. He crept closer to the end of the alleyway and peered around its corner. There stood an enormous blue monster with leathery skin and long claws! It was pointing at Sam, who stood frozen in fear as his body went numb with terror. Before Sam could react, the monster grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him into darkness. Sam could feel himself falling through space—and then suddenly he opened his eyes to find himself lying on a cold stone floor. Sam was confused and disoriented. He didn’t know where he was or what had happened to him. He tried to stand up, but his legs buckled beneath him as if they were made of rubber. He felt lightheaded and weak as he gained his footing and stumbled forward, trying to find some sort of exit out of this strange place. His eyes adjusted to the dim light, and Sam saw that he was standing in a large room filled with strange machines. They stood tall and dark against the walls, humming softly as they worked... "Where am I?" Sam wondered. He looked around and saw a large, metal door in the center of the room that was slightly ajar. He made his way toward it and peeked inside. Looking out across the vast landscape outside, Sam could see nothing but blackness. There were no stars or moon visible anywhere above him; just an empty void of nothingness that seemed to go on forever in every direction. #eldritch #eldritchhorror #lovecraft #hplovecraft #cthulhu #lovecraftian #art #cthulhumythos #cosmichorror #horror #horrorart #lovecraftianhorror #illustration #tentacles #digitalart #midjourney #midjourneyai #geekpsychology