dill's blogThe 10 million dollar question I got to ask one of my favorite questions yesterday. In a session, a client told me he wanted to take more action toward his career. When I asked him what his next steps were, he said he needed to learn more...
dill's blogCOVID goals Since I tested positive yesterday (again), I had to cancel my fun stuffs for the week. Several dinners. My third chess tournament. My sister’s basketball game. I dare say I’ll survive, but it is irritating. The good news? My sc...
dill's blogI got COVID Again. Tested positive this morning. This is exactly when I got it last year—late January. It’s a winter tradition I suppose. But this time I’m fully vaccinated. Now it feels more like an annoying inconvenience than a debilitat...
dill's blogYou don’t have to 10x I check in with my coaching clients regularly. I’ll ask things like: Where do you feel like you’re at? What have you gotten out of these sessions so far? What do you think the you of three months ago would think about...
dill's blogThe 6 people in every relationship Is it possible to be our genuine selves around other people? That may sound a little woo woo but it’s the question I mulled over yesterday. I connected with a coaching friend and she told me about a lesso...
dill's blogGetting a raise vs. having a kid I got dinner with my old boss last night. He recently got promoted to VP in his company. He’s also the recent father of two. When I asked him about the new VP position, he calmly said, “Yeah man. It’s cool....
dill's blogIt’s that time of the year I wrote a blog yesterday about being financially transparent. One friend commented: “When we talk about money more casually, we can share insights into career moves, upward mobility, investing, debt, etc!! It’s j...
dill's blogShould we be able to talk about money? Money can be a sticky thing. There’s this age-old taboo that says we shouldn’t talk about money or ask people about theirs. I think we should step away from that. But first, why does money make us so...
dill's blogThe importance of bosses When I had a job, I always thought it must be pretty challenging to be someone’s boss. I expected them to… Be a confident and competent leader. Express kindness and care toward their employees. Maintain an organize...
dill's blogI did NOT win a trophy I played in my second chess tournament this weekend. It didn’t go well. My first competition was in December. That one went much better. In typical fashion, I showed up an hour early. I was the first one there. I met...