OK, stay calm and try not to freak out 😨

Jan 01, 2021 11:06 pm

I'm telling you , it was a battle.  

Have you ever been so confused by someone’s actions that you can’t control your body movements and emotions?

Eyebrows pull in and downward as your chin retreats and slowly sways side to side, struggling to appear normal while all you can think is “what the fuck? Why would she think this was a good idea?”

It didn’t make sense.

Although no longer producing fruits or vegetables, the garden was still planted with summer crops.  The tomato plants were still firmly rooted, overgrown and spilling out every opening in the cages.

There was a lot of work to do before buying our winter garden vegetables.  But there she was, holding a few flats of freshly emerging veggies.

Nature allowed no more than 2 days before they needed to be planted.  My schedule allowed no more than 2 hours before that deadline.

The only option was to start immediately, and see how far we can get.

I rallied the available labor and wrangled the necessary tools.  

The inattentive toddler and overzealous school-aged girl had their garden shears steadied and staunchly set to be more obstruent and dangerous than productive.  We were ready.

7 minutes later the old plants were out.  We added the compost tea and overturned the soil in 4 minutes.  The new vegetables were in their new winter homes 8 minutes later.  Drip irrigation was set, tested, and adjusted in under 9 minutes.

The chore I had envisioned as a multi-day project took less than half an hour (despite the dependable efforts of the crew to subvert our task). 

I got smacked in the face with a valuable lesson on goal setting and life.

Don’t wait to start!  Put yourself in a position where you have to get to work.

If we didn’t have the new garden crop in hand and waiting to be planted, I may not have started the job at all.  I would have made the excuse of ‘not enough time’ that weekend.

What do you want to start, but keep putting off?  Take action today.  Do something that’s a few steps ahead of where you are.  Something that will thrust you into action.

Want to get more consistent with working out?  Buy a 10 pack of personal training sessions and get them on the schedule before you buy workout shoes.

Don’t know how to cook vegetables, but know you should eat more of them?  Throw out junk food and stock your fridge with veggies before buying the cookbook.

Want to start a business but don’t have your business license yet?  Make your first sale before struggling with the red tape.

Do something that forces action.  Lean a little too far forward.  Then, race to get your feet under yourself before you topple.  The momentum will carry to further than you ever imagined.

Let me help and encourage you.  

Reply to this email and tell me:  What do you need to start, but are afraid you’re “not ready” yet?

Be great,

Danny Lehr

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P.S.S.S.  I kept my frustration to myself and tried to act excited when my wife brought home the veggies...and in the end, I was excited to have the job done and sauteed kale for dinner 2 months later.
