Chapter 5 DRAFT

Jul 28, 2024 8:28 pm

OK ,

Before we get to Chapter 5 - I have some rough drafts of the book cover! I'll be getting in touch later this week for you to help me choose which design we want to go with. Getting so close!

Here is a ROUGH draft of Chapter 5. Feel free to read, and leave comments. And please do NOT share with anyone.

A few things to keep in mind as a beta reader:

What's a Beta Reader, You Ask?

Think of a beta reader as a book's best friend who isn't afraid to tell it like it is. Your role is to read the manuscript and give me honest feedback on what works, what doesn't, and everything in between. But don't worry, I'm not asking you to become a grammar guru or a spelling specialist—that's someone else's job!

What I Need From You:

1. Honest Feedback: Did a plot twist leave you more confused than excited? Did a character make a decision that made you roll your eyes? I want to know!

2. Constructive Criticism: If something isn't working, tell me why. Your insights will help me make the book better.

3. Big Picture Thoughts: Think about the story as a whole. Is the pacing right? Are the characters believable? Does the ending satisfy?

What You WON'T Be Doing:

- Proofreading: I'm not asking you to hunt down every typo or misplaced comma. This is about content, not copyediting.

- Endorsing: No need to write glowing reviews just yet (though I hope you'll want to after we're done!).

- Going Solo: You won't be the only beta reader. You'll be part of a fantastic team of readers who are all working to help shape this book.

Click Here For Chapter 5 ROUGH Draft

I'm looking forward to hearing what you think! You can simply reply here, or leave comments on the doc. (right click, comment)

Be great,

Danny Lehr
