update - we did it! What now?

May 13, 2024 11:07 pm

Woohoo !

It's almost time to start dripping the book chapters to you. But first...

We did it! 548 books.

Many of you know the story, but there's some behind the scenes action that made it interesting up to the last day.

You see, the publisher asked me if I could sell 200 books in the pre-launch. I replied that number was WEAK, and I would sell 500.

After they told me that 500 copies might be the record, I blurted out 540!

The truth is, I wasn't sure if we could make it to 540 books. But, I knew if the goal is 540 and we fall short, we'd still crush the 200 book mark. Then it happened.

Over 100 books sold in the first week of pre-launch, and I had only made it through 20% of my list of people to contact.

I went all in and didn't take a single day off. I even made a post on Easter day...

On the final day of the pre-launch, we did it! ON THE LAST DAY.

And I kind of didn't care. I was so exhausted, the excitement didn't hit me until about a week had passed.

Which re-taught me a lesson I've learned many times before, and you've heard from dozens of others - enjoy the process.

The thing itself, the goal, was such a small part of the process. The pursuit of that goal took hours of my day, every day for 5 weeks! That's the real juice. The real prize. The chase was so much more than the catch.

Because I know there were no days off, I wasn't stressed off the outcome. The results would be the results. All I could control was my effort, and that was an area which left no doubt.

After the deadline, the publisher told me to take two full weeks off and not think about the book. And after 10 days something happened.

I started journaling (which is not a normal habit for me). I found myself wanting to write again, wanted to create.

And here we are.

This morning I began the 16 week process of editing with my revisions editor. Which means it's time to get you in a group and start dripping the chapters to you as we go through them!

After looking into a dozen collaboration and community software programs, it became clear the best took is the most simple. A Facebook group. I know some people hate FB, but you can ONLY use it for the group.

I'll send a link in the next few days with a link to join, and then will start getting links in there to early chapter drafts for you to read and give feedback on.

Thank you again for being such a crucial part of this journey!

Be great,

Danny Lehr
