Put your money where your dreams are

Nov 10, 2023 2:00 pm

Good morning ,

“Have you ever had a ‘point-of-no-return’ experience?”

While studying for his PhD, author Benjamin Hardy interviewed entrepreneurs and want-to-be entrepreneurs. Through a series of inquisitions, that was one question that separated the two groups clearly.

Although the want-to-be’s all alluded to hoping to have a point-of-no-return experience at some point, nearly all of the successful entrepreneurs said yes and were able to point to multiple experiences throughout different stages of their growth and success.

Hardy goes on to explain “what often created a point-of-no-return experience was making a financial investment in the goal.”

When Erica decided to leave her job and open a mobile coffee trailer she took action. The thing that pushed her to pursue her dreams? She bought a trailer.

Purchasing the trailer was a commitment. Now there was this thing that would be sitting in her driveway while she transformed it from a tool to haul lawn care equipment to a tool for brewing coffee. It was a daily reminder of what her future looked like. It was also a reminder of the money she had spent on it.

Starting her journey by purchasing the trailer forced her forward. The financial outlay took the dream in her mind and turned it into a goal in the real world. And since the trailer is a big, physical thing, it also forced her to talk about her goals with family, friends, and the stranger she bought it from. She was vocalizing “I’m going to turn it into a coffee shop.”

But the financial commitment doesn’t have to be an eyesore in the driveway. It just has to put you in a position where the risk of loss is scarier, more motivating than the fear of starting.

What do you want to start? Commit yourself to the task by investing in the outcome.

Hire the coach.

Join the expensive gym.

Buy the conversion van for travel.

Go all in by commiting yourself to something that forces action.

Be great,

Danny Lehr
