❌CANCELED due to reasons listed below

Nov 26, 2020 9:45 pm

Well ,

Today, Thanksgiving 2020, is the Holiday that isn’t.

Don’t worry, this email is not about politics.

It’s not Government “mandates” (suggestions) ruining Thanksgiving.

It’s not even cancel culture and the “woke” damnation of pilgrims.

You never saw it coming...

But first, you should know why Thanksgiving 2020 is the forsaken Holiday.

  1. My Christmas lights are up (don’t get all Simon Cowell on me, yours are too).
  2. Black Friday apparently began in October.
  3. Santa is already posing for non-contact, face shield wearing, plexiglass divided photos with our no-touching, no smile-seeing, 6 feet-apart children.

So, what ruined Thanksgiving?

You point to one of the three items listed above. You blame early Christmas decorators replacing Jack-o-Lanterns with Rudolf figurines on November 1 or the companies sending an email claiming their 14 week long Cyber Monday Deals are “ending soon.”

But you’re wrong.

What cancelled Thanksgiving is - 


That’s right - Hope has ruined your Holiday.

Hope is the reason my neighbor is erecting a ginormous glowing unicorn with a red nose in his front yard two weeks before gorging on Turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie.

Hope is the reason your inbox has been a sardine can of black Friday early access since July 4th.

There is HOPE in the year of spaced out lines on the floor and hidden smiles in public places!

Thank God, there is hope!

I encourage you to turn off the news and join in the excitement. Smile at the early Christmas decorations. Take advantage of black Friday sales from emails that hit your inbox on St. Patrick’s day.

And today, on the Holiday that isn’t, be thankful for your friends and family.

But dammit, don’t you dare start playing Michael Bublé until AFTER the pie has been served.

Be Great on the Thanksgiving that isn’t,

Danny Lehr

P.S. If you didn’t like this and don’t want to get anymore of these, please unsubscribe using the link below.

P.S.S. After pie, I highly recommend a playlist exclusively of Mariah Carey and Michael Bublé while watching the best Christmas movie ever made - Love Actually.
