thank you {{contact.first_name}}!

Mar 24, 2024 3:22 pm


Thank you for joining the pre-launch of Win Your Next Hour!

It's been a journey writing the manuscript over the last 5 months, and I'm excited to share it with you (and the rest of the world).

Here's a rough timeline so you know what to expect:

  • April 17 - Pre-Orders End
  • May 1 - Revisions
  • Summer - Final copy editing
  • Late Summer - E-book release (you'll get an early copy)
  • Early Fall - Paperback's printed, signed, and shipped!

During revisions you'll be added to a group, and I'll begin sharing rough chapter drafts for you to read, comment, and vote on throughout the process.

Finally, I have a HUGE goal for the pre-sale. My publisher set the expectation of 200 books, but I told them we would sell 540 books in the pre-launch to break the program record.

To do that, I'll need your help!

Please think of 1 person who you want to join the pre-launch with you. It'll be super fun, because you can go through the pre-launch activities and attend the exclusive launch party together - Woohoo!

I'll be sending a 1/week update throughout the pre-order and revisions process, because now we're in this together.

Thank you for your support - I can't tell you how much I appreciate you.

Be great,

Danny Lehr

P.S. Feel free to reply or reach out at any time.
