Why I've been absent...

Mar 16, 2024 5:48 pm

Hi !

Funny thing - I've been writing more than ever, but haven't been sending weekly emails.

It's because since September, I've been writing a book!

First thing - I need some help. The pre-launch goes live Monday, and I need 5 people to go check out the page, test it out, and give me any feedback you have!

If you can help with that, please reply to this and I'll send you the link!

But you should know - I made a mistake.

In a promotional video, I said I created a system. That’s not true - it’s a system I’ve observed.

I spent time training with and coaching Olympians. I’ve collaborated with spoke at businesses with annual revenues well into the 9 figures. I learned from achievers by spending time with them (most comfortable couch I’ve ever slept on that weekend). I’ve realized that most people haven’t had these experiences.

I shared stuff I learn with anyone who will listen, and a few others too.

I’d been asked to write a book by friends and students, but I wasn’t comfortable writing. I decided to go all in. Buying and reading 6 books on how to be a writer, all by authors who are successful themselves. On Writing by Stephen King and Anne Lamont’s Bird by Bird were standouts- equally educational and highly entertaining. Let me know if you want the full list. Shoot me an email - myrealone@dannylehr.com .

Needing practice, I began sending a weekly email to a list I had from a previous side project. Needing feedback, I had a few author friends grade them like school papers.

I started telling people it was going to happen because I needed to stop being a weenie.

And I realized how all the pieces fit together. I used my Words and told people. I Invested time, money, and face. All along the way, I Noted my progress and celebrated daily wins.

W.I.N. Your Next Hour

That’s how to win - simply use the acronym . Win your next hour is accomplished by W.I.N -ing it. You can follow these steps in your next hour - It’s not just a slogan, it’s operating instructions.

You achieve big things when you win, and it starts now. You can have enough discipline to win the next hour. Those hours stack up, and you win the day. Days turn to weeks and years.

And although it’s hard to stay disciplined at times, so I found a system that beats discipline. Each step is designed to take you where you want to go. Maybe you want to start a business, lose 50 lbs, or hike the pacific crest trail. You can do it, you just have to W.I.N. your next hour.

If you can help and want first access, please reply to this!

Otherwise, look foward to the big release on Monday.

Be great,

Danny Lehr
