Week 1 Update

Mar 25, 2024 5:16 pm

Hi ,

You're a part of this!

In the first week of the book pre-launch, Win Your Next Hour has sold 143 books to 119 supporters.

This is AMAZING.

Our goal is to break the pre-sale record and get commitments for 540 books. I can't do it alone, but I know we can do it together!

Here are two simple ways you can help this week:

  1. Share about the book with 1 person who you want to join you in the pre-launch. Everything is better with friends, so get someone else on board to help vote on the cover, comment on early drafts, and share this unique experience with you.
  2. Since a major mover is when people order the big bundles, reply and let me know: Do you have, or know someone who has a company that hires speakers, an event you need a speaker for, a book club that would like the author to attend a meeting, or any other use for a pack of 10 - 100 books?

Thank you for all your help, together we can crush this goal and all Win Our Next Hour.

Be great,

Danny Lehr

P.S. In the book you'll learn the acronym W.I.N. The W is for Words - you need to tell people what you are out to accomplish. People want to help, and you need to tell others in order to truly believe it's possible. That's exactly what I'm doing in this email - using my words to ask for help and share my goal.
