September Update

Forwarded by a friend? Subscribe now.Howdy hey ,If you didn't get to attend the RALLY Innovation Conference, I'm so sorry. We had great times catching up with old friends, making new ones, and hearing about advances in a bunch of industries. Yes, AI...

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Sep 05, 2024
A Bunch of Links

Forwarded by a friend? Subscribe now.Howdy hey ,I'll admit it: I was too overwhelmed with stuff these past two weeks to write something substantial for today's email. Ball State's classes just kicked off this week, and it's been a firehose (plus, y'k...

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Aug 22, 2024
Vonnegut Was Right

Forwarded by a friend? Subscribe now.Howdy hey ,If you have not seen Kurt Vonnegut's lecture on "The Shape of Stories," please pause here and go watch it. I'll even give you the abridged version because I really want you to watch it.Vonnegut was an a...

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Aug 08, 2024
Wanna write better? Read more.

When’s the last time you read something for fun?   If you’re like a shocking plurality of students in America, your answer is never. The National Assessment of Educational Progress found that in 2023, only 14% of students read every day, and 31% have...

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Aug 05, 2024
Wanna write better? Read more.

Forwarded by a friend? Subscribe now.Howdy hey ,(A note: We bumped my speaking event at the Columbia Club to Wed, August 21. I'll share the fresh registration link when it's live. Same offer as before applies :))---When's the last time you read somet...

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Jul 25, 2024
Writing is a mode of thought

We still dismiss writing as only an act of typing words. Generative AI is reminding us how much human thinking great writing requires. The post Writing is a mode of thought appeared first on Alex Sventeckis Content Consulting.

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Jul 15, 2024
Writing is a mode of thought

Forwarded by a friend? Subscribe now.Howdy hey ,I'm off to a wedding (outdoors in mid-July — pray for reasonable temperatures), so I'll be brief.(Also, I'm speaking at an event next week and may have a discount available to my dear readers 👀. Ventur...

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Jul 11, 2024
Generative AI Forces a Writing Quality Reckoning

Generative AI has awoken companies to how a basic level of writing quality looks. But professional writers know quality isn't skin-deep. The post Generative AI Forces a Writing Quality Reckoning appeared first on Alex Sventeckis Content Consulting.

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Jul 01, 2024
I Discuss the Unsexy Side of Entrepreneurship on UNHIRED

UNHIRED is a podcast dedicated to the unsexy reality of entrepreneurship. Let's dive into why that's a necessary thing for founders today. The post I Discuss the Unsexy Side of Entrepreneurship on UNHIRED appeared first on Alex Sventeckis Content Con...

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Jun 24, 2024
With Generative AI, Ignorance Is Not Bliss

What's happening under the hood of generative AI tools like ChatGPT? Knowing the basics helps your PR agency make better AI decisions. The post With Generative AI, Ignorance Is Not Bliss appeared first on Alex Sventeckis Content Consulting.

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Jun 17, 2024
Get Found Online Challenge (Impossible?)

Today's AI-driven content world means getting found online will be the challenge to solve. PR agencies are in prime position to help. The post Get Found Online Challenge (Impossible?) appeared first on Alex Sventeckis Content Consulting.

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Jun 03, 2024