Instagram LogoProof of Life: Been on a little hiatus catching up on client work and genuinely taking better care of myself. As entrepreneurs/solopreneurs is so easy to fall into the loop (trap) of self-sacrifice being equated to survival. We give and give and give and its easy to lose focus of your so-called why, when all you've been able to focus on is your how: How will you pay staff... How will you cover bills... How will you meet deadlines... How will you survive the week... I don't have specific answers, I'm still trying to figure this shit out. I'm exhausted and my body literally told me - its time to pause or suffer the consequences - lies, it actually dealt me a few of those consequences. So for once, I'm listening and choosing my battles. I'm also dealing with a professional loss of sorts and grieving that too, while being triggered by my parents' upcoming birthdays and Dad's memorial ahead of my birthday and that of my partner and son - a lot of shit is happening - couple that with the global economic and political climate. The sad part is I know its insane to expect anyone to be ok. We see the humanity and frailty in others but ignore it in ourselves - at our own detriment. In the meantime, I'm supporting clients, working on new strategy, prepping for another Design bootcamp, setting up a new offering and I'm still available via DMs for queries/support. I'm quiet, but haven't disappeared. More content to come in the near future. But be honest with me, when was the last time you took a little break? I know its next to impossible to do so, so rather select (like I did) what you're taking a break from. You want to do it all, but frankly, we just aren't capable of doing it all at once. So what will you 'sacrifice' towards your self-preservation? #HonorYourHustle #StrategyMaverick #ShadowConsultant #DigitalIQ #DigitalMarketing #BrandCoach #SolopreneurBootcamp