Vanessa is a highly regarded professional in her industry, with a rich history of helping people. She is known for her dedication to her work and for fostering possibility in others. Vanessa's expertise has been recognized by many, with an outp...
Business cycles shift and change- as do industries. We are living in time of transition and change. It’s likely to be unsteady for at least a few more years. Panic will just create more panic. Focus on doing a good job with quality products at...
Last week, I posted a fundraiser for the victims of Club Q and someone responded with a viscous, ignorant comment. Most viciousness is ignorance dressed up to look scary - to hide fears and insecurities in false bravado. It used to be delivered...
In life and business, one of the first steps to getting control of your time, is determine what your win condition is. We’ve been sold a story of success that is frankly ridiculous and fits very few of us in either temperament, available resour...
In life, you will run into people who won’t understand what you are working with- they won’t know where you come from or the effort you put in to meet them where they are. And you won't know that of them. I encourage you to embrace your unique...
What I do know is that I will not tolerate my identity being weaponized to keep other people down and out.
An associate of mine recently passed away. At her funeral, one of the mourners recalled her advice. There are two ways to do social justice work, she would say. Wrong or not at all.
People are working to create new choices and options. There is a lot of innovation and hope to invest oneself in. And while even that can be overwhelming, there is something to be said for looking to the hope they offer.
without a plan — without resources, investment, oversight, engagement, management— you get what manages to happen on its own. This is not necessarily what is most useful, needed, efficient, etc …