There are no magic bullets in real life. The things that matter take time, energy, and attention. They build slowly if they are going to build strongly. Learning to appreciate and enjoy the process will bring ongoing fulfillment and satisfactio...
Doesn’t everyone feel like they are playing dress up when they step into some aspect of their life? And it’s not a new experience. “All the world’s a stage,” is a quote most Americans have heard said on more than one occasion. To me, imposter s...
I have a habit, perhaps you will relate, of believing my own thoughts. This may seem like a harmless habit. And yet, many miscommunications and challenges in my life can be directly connected to this ongoing habit.
Cultural appreciation is about enjoying something from another culture and (in my opinion) something to be encouraged.
While there is something to be said for an inner motivation to revise and improve, learning to accept and be satisfied with our achievements and tasks as a default is an important part of creating a sustainable work-life relationship.
When we confuse admiration for an idealized version of this person, we can lead ourselves astray. If you’ve ever been in love, you know how easy it is to see what you wish to see and overlook some traits that you will eventually notice and may...
Regardless of political party or ideology, a position that dehumanizes those with whom you disagree is one of the most dangerous things we can do.
One of the gifts of relationship, in my view, is that it can inspire us to go beyond our assumptions and our comfort zones. A rigid definition of boundaries does allow for this influence to occur, even in appropriate ways.