Beta Reading Curtesy Reminder

Hello!This is a quick reminder that feedback for Hollowshine Book 3: Defying Fate is due by JULY 31st.If you haven't read it yet, this gives you about a month to finish. I've already received some feedback and I look forward to hearing other thoughts...

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Jul 01, 2024
Beta Readers for Hollowshine Defying Fate

Hello!You're receiving this email because you signed up to beta read my urban fantasy book Hollowshine Book 3: Defying Fate. Below is a link where you can read and leave feedback on the book. I'm excited to say that it will be published in Fall 2024....

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Jun 03, 2024
Hollowshine Series Update ✨

This is a quick reminder and special announcement about Hollowshine, my urban fantasy series.TOMORROW is the last day to sign up to be a beta reader for Hollowshine Book 3: Defying Fate. The first two books are already available. If you're interested...

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May 30, 2024
CRRL Con Recap & Welcome!

Thank you to everyone that came out to support me and the other artists and authors at CRRL Con this past Saturday.Also thank you to all those who came out earlier in May to Provisions Thrift Store LKA Vendor Market. Apologizes for not getting this o...

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May 20, 2024
Hollowshine Defying Fate Beta Reading

Thank you for your interest in beta reading for Hollowshine Book 3: Defying Fate. As stated in the form you filled out, beta reader copies will go out in June. If you requested author copies from me, be on the lookout for that email where I'll be con...

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May 13, 2024
Event Recap & Welcome

Over the weekend I participated in my first event of the spring/summer season.It was a cold and windy day at the Provisions Thrift Store LKA Spring Market but it was great to see how many people came out to support small businesses. I'm looking forwa...

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Apr 08, 2024