Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 4

Oct 02, 2023 6:55 pm


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Understanding your clients and their problems is the first step in lead generation. You can't solve a problem you don't know exists.

The second step is creating an offer they can't refuse.

There are 3 stages in lead generation:

  1. Understanding the clients. Also called list creation.
  2. Creating an offer.
  3. Creative and presentation. Or put the offer out there on channels the clients frequent.

Of course, we can further complicate this entire system by adding steps of a funnel. Let's keep the complexities for future emails.

Today our spotlight is on "Creating an Offer".

Offers are your solution presented in a manner that excites the client. And it should stand apart from the competition, and be in line with clients level of awareness.

Level of awareness? Yes.

Eugene Schwartz, in his timeless gem "Breakthrough Advertising," introduced us to this concept, in 1966. Basically, it's about knowing how much your client knows about their own problem.

There are 5 levels of awareness

  1. Unaware of the problem: Show them their symptoms.
  2. Aware of the problem: Highlight the pain it's causing.
  3. Aware of the solution: Talk about the solution's benefits.
  4. Aware of specific solutions: Position yours as the superhero.
  5. Most Aware: Flaunt those success stories and let them decide.

No Jargons, Please! Know Your Client's Language!

If your client can't spell "website," don't toss around terms like performance marketing or inbound marketing. Know where they stand, and design your approach .

So, in a nutshell, it's all about connecting the dots between what your client knows and what you're offering.

Understand where your client is in their quest for a solution. Then design your approach around that..

What about the competition? Good question. Let's talk about it tomorrow.

Till then, keep those creative juices flowing, and remember, I am just an email away if you need a hand.


Anoop Kurup
