Happy New Year!2024 has come to a close, and it is time for a fresh start.So, as this year dawns, I'm hoping to get back into my writing again. As some of you may know, I've been struggling with writing and my confidence since 2022. It hasn't been ea...
It is time to cozy up to that fire with a hot chocolate and listen to the chat as Lily Luchesi and I discuss the process of writing horror into the holidays. Lily's Website: https://lilyluchesibooks.wixsite.com/lilyluchesi Partners in Crime Book S...
It is December, the end of 2024, where we look back, and forward into the new year. Things have changed considerably in this past month, especially politically (which I won't be talking about), and no doubt will continue to change. I will only wish e...
Welcome to the second of a two-part extravaganza, showcasing the epic horror anthology, Bestiary of Blood. In this really super-sized episode, we chat with three of the authors (one of whom is also the editor). Jamal Hodge, Steven Barnes, and Nzondi...
Halloween has come and gone, with all the spooky goodness. The October Frights Blog Hop went well as did all my other plans and events. I hope you all had a good October as well.Now that it is November, the weather is more seasonally cool and we've e...
It's launch day for Rivalry and Steam Monsters (Heyward and Andersen, Consulting Detectives # 4). This next short story installment pits Heyward and Andersen against dark alchemists and has a few Lovecraftian Easter Eggs.Rivalry and Steam MonstersDar...
Spooky Season is here!Is everybody ready for all the creepy fun?I know I am.And a big welcome to any new subscribers, especially those who came over from StoryOrigin. I had a bit of technical difficulties getting you imported, but you are here now.I'...