Join us for an in-depth discussion on writing mental health into your horror stories and poems with guest David Noone. David's website: https://www.davidnoone.net/
Join us for an in-depth discussion on writing mental health into your horror stories and poems with guest David Noone. David's website: https://www.davidnoone.net/
Come dive into the dark and strange world of folklore and folk horror with author Nikki Nelson-Hicks. Nikki's Website: https://nnhbooks.com/
Come join the chat as author Julie Hiner discusses here new book, Fear of the Deep, and the horrors that lurk beneath the sea... Julie's Website: https://killersanddemons.com/ Fear of the Deep: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DTGBZ3T5/
It is time to cozy up to that fire with a hot chocolate and listen to the chat as Lily Luchesi and I discuss the process of writing horror into the holidays. Lily's Website: https://lilyluchesibooks.wixsite.com/lilyluchesi Partners in Crime Book S...
Welcome to the second of a two-part extravaganza, showcasing the epic horror anthology, Bestiary of Blood. In this really super-sized episode, we chat with three of the authors (one of whom is also the editor). Jamal Hodge, Steven Barnes, and Nzondi...
Welcome to the first of a two-part extravaganza, showcasing the epic horror anthology, Bestiary of Blood. In this super-sized episode, we chat with four of the authors, Linda Addison, Colleen Anderson, Cynthia Pelayo, Angela Yuriko Smith about writin...
Come join the chat as author Marc L. Abbot discusses the zombie subgenre of horror, their evolution, and more. Marc's Website: https://whoismarclabbott.com/ This episode is brought to you by the novel, It Eats Your Hunger by Joseph Murnane. Pick up...
We are chatting about cemeteries with author Loren Rhoads and discussing her new book, 222 Cemeteries to See Before You Die. Listen as we talk about spooky experiences and interesting graveyard facts. Loren's Website: https://lorenrhoads.com/ 222 Cem...
The first Mystery and Malice True Crime Bonus Episode. A speculative discussion on an unsolved twenty-year-old case of a murder committed at a South African university. Hosted by Gert Hanekom and Karen van Vuuren
In this episode we are talking about the classic horror trope, The Final Girl, with author and horror fan Elaine Pascale. Come join us as we go in depth on final girl origins and what makes that trope tick. Elaine's Website: https://elainepascale.com...