Now I know what happens when I hit send instead of schedule. All the deals should be active now.It's Black Friday! The one day a year where trampling and fist fighting humanity for deals on stuff you could live without is perfectly acceptable... or y...
It's Black Friday! The one day a year where trampling and fist fighting humanity for deals on stuff you could live without is perfectly acceptable... or you can stay home and read. For those choosing the later see below for the plethora of free and 9...
Before we start, Free Fantasy Books! And then some free Sci Fi and Fantasy Books!Now that stores set up their Christmas displays in August, it’s time for some holiday gift ideas for that awkward office party that happens every year. Only some of thes...
First, A Wonderful Month for a Quest Giveaway.A while back, a friend of mine, Phillip Carter, wanted to make a short story collection for Halloween, Sci-Fi Horror. At the time, I was writing Office Maxi, and I had these weird fiends that would make a...
Before I start, I have two book giveaways for you for sci fi and fantasy. Giveaway #1 and Giveaway #2.I had a lot of fun answering your questions, so I’m happy to answer more. No question is too weird. So please give me more! Think of it like having...
Before we begin, I gathered some authors and convinced them to give away free Sci Fi and Fantasy books.A while back, I did a survey where I encouraged you lot to ask me anything, and I certainly wasn’t prepared for the questions that I would get. I a...
Before I start, enjoy these free Sci Fi and Fantasy books.A lot of my non-US readers do not get the chance to get free and discounted books for their kindles because Amazon makes it complicated for authors to change the pricing on their books. With G...
Before we get started, check out this free all genre Comedy Giveaway, even just clicking the link helps me out. Also, my entire Tuners trilogy is on sale during this massive indie book sale.I’m sure you all are wondering who won the $25 Amazon gift c...
Hello,You are getting this email because you won a prize from me. If you want to get weekly humor from me like the sample email below and another free book grab yourself a copy of Time Burrito, the wacky adventure about time traveling for a perfect b...
Goodbye Kindle Unlimited for NowBefore we start, check out this sale of Sci Fi and Fantasy books. Also, because you all are awesome, and I'd like more people to know about what I do: a $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway.For those of you who are on Ki...