Hi , CONGRATULATIONS! You are a winner during our C9 Team Challenge. Please confirm that your shipping address in you Avon profile is correct as we will be mailing out your Avon mystery box prize to that address within the next day or so.Whether you...
Hi , Happy Monday! Tomorrow is your last chance to earn entries in our C9, $175 value, product bundle giveaway, available to our customers only. Receive one entry with a C9 order of any-size, online or rep delivery, and additional entries for every $...
Hi , There is only 52-hrs left to play in our C9 Team Challenge. C9 and our challenge will end at 11:59 pm ET Tuesday, 9 May.Kimbelry and I will be giving away $100s in free products and samples to eight of our team members who had online orders or...
Hi , Is it your time to come back to Avon?At some point in the past you had joined Avon as an independent sales rep. Maybe it was to save on your own personal purchases or to earn extra on the side; but you are no longer with Avon.Is now your time to...