Hi , Kimberly and I invite you to join us on Facebook this week for a 3-day giveaway event and the launch of our new online private Facebook community, LetsTalkMuchMoreThanLipstick.The 3-day event starts this Wednesday, 21 Jun and runs through Friday...
Hello , We hope that everyone enjoyed Father’s Day. It’s a bittersweet day for us as Kimberly and I both lost our fathers 40 and 30 years ago respectively. However, we still enjoyed being with our daughter and son-in-law this afternoon and we just go...
Hi , Have you seen the Avon Beauty Guides? See skin care tips, bug repellent tips and more.Gift with Purchase (GWP) offer - Valid until 11:59 pm PT, Wednesday, 14 Jun - Online orders only (while supplies last). Be sure to use the coupon codes at chec...
Hi , Happy Tuesday! This will be our final reminder that TODAY is the last day to play in Avon's current Dash for Cash challenge/incentive. Meet your sales goal for C8-C11 and earn extra cash. It's like earning at the next sales level. So far, over $...
Hi , Protect your skin this summer with SPF. Check out AVON's SPF Shop to see the many products with SPF and to learn more about the improtance using Sun Protection Factor.Gift with Purchase (GWP) offer - Valid until 11:59 pm PT, Tuesday, 6 Jun - Onl...
Hello , It’s June and the start of vendor event season for us. Vendor events are a great way to sell products, get your face and name out in front of the community, pass out campaign books, and generate follow-up sales. You can start with a small com...
Hi , Have you seen, Avon's Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus IR3535® Gentle Breeze® SPF 30 Lotion was voted 2023 Best Bug Repellent with SPF by Better Homes & Gardens and Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin has been featured as one of the 7 Best Preg...
Hi , Avon has two online special offers this week. Another GWP (gift with purchase) today and tomorrow (Friday) and a free shipping on $25+ online order Monday and Tuesday. Must use code MDW25 at checkout.New Gift with Purchase (GWP) offer - Valid un...
Hi , Happy Friday! We’re about to launch the BIGGEST upgrade we’ve ever had, exclusively for YOU, our team! This will be a DONE FOR YOU system which will help you - whether you’re wanting to be kept in the loop for the latest Avon bargains, want...
Hi , Happy Tuesday! The winner of our C9 Customer Appreciation giveaway was Sandy H. from Centerville, OH. She won an Avon product bundle worth ~$175.New Gift with Purchase (GWP) offer - Valid until 11:59 pm ET, Wednesday, 17 May - Online orders only...