Hi bridge friends,Partner opens 1NT and we bid Stayman to ask if partner has a four-card major, hoping for a spade fit. Of course, partner instead tells us he has four hearts - not a great fit for our void!Play VideoWhat do we do now? Should we bid t...
Hi bridge friends. Happy Friday!Two short videos today: In the first Adam answers a question sent in from a student. In the second, he introduces the theme for his next few online lessons.Do transfers apply after partner overcalls 1NT?Play VideoFor a...
Hi bridge friends,In this hand, we end up in a 4♥ contract. When dummy's hand comes down, we see we're missing both the ♥K and the ♥J. Play VideoHow should we plan our play as declarer when we're missing two of the honor cards in the trump suit?The l...
Hi bridge friends,I started this video wanting to ask Adam about when we might want to bid after an opponent's 1NT opening bid. While playing the hand with Adam, however, he guides us to a more important question:When should we play our sure winners...
Hi bridge friends,Graeme recently joined us for a fun hand in which he taught us about the Bath Coup in bridge. He was kind enough to record a follow-up video after he came across this hand playing online.We're in a 3NT contract and East leads the ♣K...
Hi bridge friends,After a Weak 2♥ opening from West, North doubles and East bids 3♥. Sitting South, we definitely want to bid. Should we bid 3♠ or 4♠? In this video, Jack advises us to go bid game - now we just have to make it!We lose the first two t...
Hi bridge friends,I hope everyone is doing well. Here is a short video in which Adam responds to a question one his students sent in.Play VideoStayman with only 8 HCP? Should you or shouldn't you?Thank you so much for watching these videos and your e...
Dear bridge friends,Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for Thursday's free lesson with Graeme. It was so nice seeing so many of you tune in from all over the world. It makes me so happy to recognize more and more of your names.Extra thanks...
Hi ,Today's free lesson with Graeme is beginning shortly. All are welcome!Focusing on the Opening LeadPlease join us on the LBO Youtube page by clicking this button:Go To Live LessonIf the above button does not work, you can use this link: https://yo...