Hi bridge friends,Left hand opponent opens, partner makes a takeout double, and right hand opponent bids 1NT.Should we double or bid our suit? Is that a penalty or a responsive double?What would you do here? We have a tricky choice to make here. Adam...
Hi ,It is a real honor to be joined by Prakash Paranjape. He has won multiple bridge championships in India and wrote the bridge column for the Times of India for over twenty years. Thank you for joining us and leading us through this incredible hand...
Hi bridge friends,In this instructive bridge hand from Jack Stocken, there is no good or even average lead available so we choose the lesser of many evils. The hand also features the redouble bid which is rare but very useful when it comes up.Play Vi...
Hi all,Thank you to everyone who joined us for the live play session this last week with India Leeming.We'd love to invite you join us in this week's play session - one with a very different format, lead by Graeme Tuffnell - details below.But first,...
Hello ,North opens the bidding 1♦ and East overcalls 1♠. Sitting South, we have a lovely 6-card heart suit but only 6 high card points. We want to do something but aren’t strong enough to bid hearts.Luckily, we have the negative double which will ask...
Hi all!After partner opens 1NT and we have a wonderful hand with a killer 8-card club suit. What are our options for responding? How high will we want to bid and how quickly do we want to get there?Graeme Tuffnell joins us to guide us through this fu...
Hello ,Next week, we're trying something new and we'd love to invite you to join India Leeming for a short lesson on Negative Doubles followed by our first live supervised play session at RealBridge ( £8 / US $10 / NZ $16 ).Negative Doubles with...
Hi ,I just heard the wonderful news that Pam Livingston will be representing NZ in the Women's Division next month! She'll be playing for New Zealand against Australia in a Zone 7 playoff.I thought it'd be a great chance for us to learn a bit about h...
Hi bridge friends,This week's video and article is for Acol players, so if you do play Standard it might only be helpful to you if you play against Acol players. (If you don't, feel free to skip this week's video and watch one of our videos for Stand...
Hi bridge friends,Angie, one of Jack's students, sent in this fascinating bidding hand. A beginner would bid 4♥, the improver would bid 6♥ and the expert would bid all the way to 7♥! Three very different results based on your experience level. In thi...