This week’s Healthy Habits Newsletter. Are you ready for Back 2 School?

Aug 13, 2024 2:48 am

Element 17 explains the importance of increasing your activity level and developing NEW ways to do this by relying on mini-movements – small, intentional movements you do throughout the course of your day.

The best part about mini-movements is that they can be integrated into your everyday tasks. By being intentional within the Habit of Healthy Motion, you can burn extra calories without an intense workout.

Here are tips for each of the six categories of Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) covering the full range of muscle energy expenditure in your everyday life along with a corresponding microHabit example:

  • Stance. Practice NEAT while you're sitting. For example, while sitting in an upright chair that supports your posture, flex your stomach muscles and take deep breaths. microHabit: Focus on the core position an extra 10 minutes per day.
  • Standing. Get out of your chair as much as possible. Stand up when you talk on the phone or try a standing desk when working. microHabit: Add 10 additional minutes of standing per day.
  • Strolling (Walking). Take standing a step further and walk whenever possible. Park your car farther away from the store to add some extra steps to your daily count. microHabit: Add 100 additional steps per week.
  • Stairs. Climbing one flight of stairs is equivalent to walking 100 steps, so instead of taking the elevator, use the stairs to add even more healthy motion! microHabit: Add one additional flight of stairs per week.
  • Samba (Dance). Turn on the music and start moving! Music boosts both physical and mental performance. Tapping your foot, nodding to the beat or even singing will elevate your heartbeat. You can also try a Zumba class if you want an extra challenge. microHabit: Listen to 10 additional minutes of music per day; work up to an hour or more of dance per week.
  • Switch. To switch means to do things by hand instead of using a machine. For example, instead of loading all the dishes in the dishwasher after dinner, take time to wash them by hand. microHabit: Add one or two substituted manual tasks per day.

By making these small daily choices, you can reach your physical goals and set the stage for exercising at your own pace!

Remember, habits are built over time and do not happen overnight. Try using one of these tips each day of the week, gradually building up to make an impact.

Reach out to me with any questions or for more ideas about how to become ready for motion on your journey to optimal health and wellbeing.

Check out Dr. A’s Element Stories here!

As back-to-school season approaches, families across the country are gearing up for the transition from relaxed summer days to the structured routines of the school year.

To help you and your kids stay healthy and happy as they head back to school:

  • Prioritize Sleep. During the summer, kids often stay up late and sleep in. As school approaches, start setting an earlier bedtime to help them adjust. Aim to put away all electronics at least an hour before bedtime and encourage your child to unwind with a good book.
  • Start the Day Right. A nutritious breakfast is crucial for kids, as it can improve concentration and focus. Opt for a healthy breakfast and pack a balanced lunch with lean proteins, like turkey roll-ups, and vegetables, like cucumber and celery sticks.
  • Prepare Ahead. Make mornings smoother by preparing the night before. Help your child choose their school clothes and pack part of their lunch before bed. Plan breakfast in advance and prep any necessary ingredients to save time.

Encouraging healthy habits like these will set the family up for success and help your children make better choices as they grow.





2 tbsp canola oil, divided

2 whole eggs + 4 egg whites

¼ tsp each: salt & pepper

2 garlic cloves, minced

2 scallions, minced

1½ lbs. raw shrimp, peeled and deveined

1 cup diced bell pepper (any color)

1 cup chopped green beans

4 cups riced cauliflower

2 tbsp soy sauce


  1. In a wok or non-stick skillet, heat one tablespoon of oil on medium high. Pour in eggs and scramble. Season with salt and pepper, remove from heat and set aside.
  2. Return wok or non-stick skillet to stove-top and heat remaining oil. Add garlic and scallions and cook until aromatic, about 1 to 2 minutes.
  3. Add shrimp and cook about 2 minutes.
  4. Add bell peppers and green beans and cook one minute.
  5. Add cauliflower and soy sauce; toss well.
  6. Once shrimp and vegetables are cooked, fold in scrambled eggs. Divide into 4 equal portions and serve.


Nutrition Per Serving: Per Serving: 300 calories | 40g protein | 12g carbohydrate | 11g fat 

Discover other plan-approved Lean & Green recipes in the OPTAVIA App. 

Download the OPTAVIA App today!


Choose Your Hard: Kayleen’s Transformation Journey with OPTAVIA

“Being healthy is hard, being unhealthy is hard. It’s up to you to choose your hard.”

Amidst teaching in the era of COVID-19, and as the mother to a toddler and an infant, the last person Kayleen prioritized was herself. She remembers the consistent aches and pains she felt in her knees as a then 30-year-old. “I was labored while simply walking. I didn’t think I was worth the investment. My independent OPTAVIA Coach felt otherwise and NEVER gave up on me. She consistently checked on me and reminded me that my health and wellbeing mattered.”

Kayleen’s journey with unhealthy eating habits began at age 12 when she began using food as a coping mechanism. “Food for comfort, food for rewards or food just because I was bored. The constant devouring of food also resulted in the constant reel of negative self-talk while packing on the pounds.”

In December of 2021, Kayleen had reached an all-time low. Her lifeline reached her in the form of an independent OPTAVIA Coach she found through social media. The initial interaction Kayleen had with the Coach left her intrigued. She thought, “What do I have to lose?” and said yes to OPTAVIA and yes to her health.

“Little did I know that from that day forward I had a lot more to lose. I lost my walls, my negative thoughts, my plus-size clothes*, my selfishness, my loneliness and my inability to keep up with everyday tasks and my two young children.” After joining the OPTAVIA Community, Kayleen gained confidence, comfort in her own skin, smaller clothes, healthy habits and a Community she feels deeply connected to.

Having always thought of her purpose in life as service to others, Kayleen decided to share the amazing gift of OPTAVIA with as many people as she could. “I was ecstatic to live out loud and exclaim to others that there’s a simple plan that could fit into their schedule and lifestyle paired with accountability.”

At times Kayleen hardly recognizes the girl in the photos from a few years ago. “I love her and I thank her for choosing a different hard, the hard that pushed her toward improved health.”

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.


Bill Ellis
Orlando, Florida

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