Artificial Intelligence - Blessing or Curse?

Hi !Thanks again for joining the readership of my newsletter. I'm blown away that over 50 people signed up the first day I posted about it. I appreciate you being one of them."The future is no more uncertain than the present" - Walt WhitmanAs I raise...

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Aug 24, 2022
The Electric Vehicle Scam... I don't think so...

Hi !I'm incredibly excited to share with you my first newsletter!I started this because I found that most people that I speak with are interested in what is happening in the world from a technology standpoint but don't have the time to go out and fin...

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Aug 17, 2022
My first email using sendfox (Test Email)

👋Hope you’re having a great day.I’m curious to check in with you, so I want to know…How’s your day going?That’s it. Nothing to sell or buy. Just wanted to hear from you.Be great,Warren Miles-Pickup

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Aug 17, 2022