Weight loss from my new "hippy" perspective

Jul 07, 2020 5:56 am

Hey there!

Over the years I have spent a LOT of time researching various weight loss and diet programs, and I've also spent that time observing people losing the weight, then months later, putting it back on. It must be so frustrating for them! I also see people reach a plateau, and no matter what they do, they just can't go any further.

Why does this happen?

I'm going to give you my "out there" version, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what they're eating, nor what they're doing - they could exercise for 24 hours a day and eat rabbit food all day, but still the excess weight remains.

You see, what happens on a subconscious level is much more powerful than we think... it dictates whether we're going to be able to lose the weight and keep it off, whether we like it or not!

Some of you might be thinking this is a bad thing, but I personally think it's wonderful, because it is such an easy fix!

How many times have you eaten something or taken a day off exercising, then beaten yourself up for it? You're not alone. But this negative talk does nothing more than stunt your progress.

So starting today, I have some things I want you to try, for the next 30 days, and you don't have to eat one piece of lettuce or one minute of exercise. Are you ready?? Ok here goes:

  1. Get clear on what your goal is. What will you look like at your goal weight? How will you feel once you have achieved your goal weight? What will you do once you achieve your goal weight?
  2. Your feelings and emotions are most important here. Whenever you're feeling down on yourself about your weight, just stop. Stop and focus on how you will feel once you have achieved your goal weight. These feelings will give your goal so much more power.
  3. Visualise yourself at your goal weight on a daily basis, even several times a day - really get used to "seeing" yourself that way.
  4. Watch your language - only speak positively about yourself. Your words cut deep - even if they are toward yourself.
  5. You are a beautiful soul, and when you are happy inside, this is reflected outside, so take up activities that contribute to your feelings of joy.

If you apply the steps above, you will begin to convince your subconscious mind that you have already lost the weight and you're living the life you would love to live as a slim, happy and healthy person. The happier you are with yourself right now, the more your outside world will reflect what's going on within.

Your emotions and feelings are extremely powerful, and if you can get yourself into an almost constant state of joy, you're going to begin to notice subtle changes at first, which will then continue until you realise you've suddenly reached your goal!

Take care

