Things You Need to Know To Charge Or Invest High Ticket

May 12, 2021 11:36 am

Hey there people!

So yesterday...

You got to know the why...

And to a small extent....

The how of the 97 day challenge...

And I promised to share with you how to make a quantum leap in progress.

This is me fullfilling that promise...

Back when I started out...

I had the good fortune of meeting Janet Switzer...

That one relationship opened me up to a brave new world of opportunities, relationships and information...

Great right?


That relationship currently means an investment of $25,000 a year.

And to be honest it's one of the smartest decisions I've ever made my entire life.


Because working with Janet now on a private level means an investment of $100,000 and you have to be bringing in at least $500k a year to be considered.

I got in at the right time.

My point?

Making the move to being able to effectively charge a premium essentially means having the courage to invest in yourself first...

In this email I'll share with you what I've learned that empowers me to invest in myself at the level that I currently do...

And then I'll share with you what I've learned about getting people to invest in themselves at a premium through my offers...

First here's what I've come to know about investing in a high ticket offer...




1. Don't get on the call with the person unless your entire body has already said "YES" to working with the person.

2. Don't focus on how much money it costs you. That is a trap. Rather look at the cost of NOT taking action. How much will it cost you to stay where you are.

3. Don't invest money in anything that doesn't resonate with your intuition.

4. Only invest money in those who have the mindset and mentality that you want to adopt. People can lie about their wealth and physical assets. But you can't hide mindset.

5. Look at the return on investment of who you will BECOME, instead of looking at how much you will make. Believe me when I say, the money is the easiest thing to make. Becoming the person who can make that money on demand is where the hard work is. If you don't understand that...don't invest. Becoming who you want to be is priority #1.

6. If you're nervous and afraid, that's normal, you're likely doing something you've never done before.

7. If you do something, go all-in and don't "spread yourself thin" jumping from system to system and from one teacher to the next. In my experience, if you do that, you just confuse yourself and you get caught in a circle of overwhelm. Pick one system and go deep.

8. Only give yourself 24 hours to make a choice and once you make a choice, let it go. Don't let anyone make you feel bad or convince you. A person convinced against their belief, is of the same opinion still.

9. Don't confuse emotions with your intuition. Here's something you need to understand: Your intuition is your future self, whispering to your current self.

10. Most of the people around you have never invested in themselves at the level you're considering investing in yourself naturally their response is don't do it. Listening to their advice is well meaning bad advice from the wrong person.

11. You get OUT of an investment what you PUT IN.

I share this specially for those of us going back and forth about jumping in and working with me privately at in the 97day challenge.


If you do end of working with me, here's how you head will be working after 97 days and you'll find that you enroll people in your high ticket offer much faster




1. If you get on a conversation with a prospect and you find that you have to convince them to work with you...GET OFF THE CALL with the person. The best people to get in a conversation with are people you don't need to sell on your system or worth.

2. If you don't like the person's energy from looking at their online profile or how they respond on an email or text or during the call...END THE CONVERSATION.

3. If you have to get someone to buy into your process, method, how you can help them, END THE CONVERSATION. They aren't ready -- use the Community Mastery Method to educate them first.

4. Never start a conversation without being clear on the outcome that you want. The funny this that sometimes the best outcome isn't necessarily a sale.

5. Spend 90% of the time understanding who they are, 10% of the time sharing with them how you can help fill their gap.

6. Normalize asking for $5000 and $10,000+ investments

7. Think about how much you're going to change their life and how much their reality is going to be upgraded...if you're not certain about that then you don't deserve to charge high ticket.

8. Think about the impact over the next 40 years of the person's life you're going to have and how you're going to impact everything in their life.

9. If you can't help them get 10x return on their investment in the next 3 years, you're not worth what you're selling.

10. Do not convince anyone against their will, it's terrible to do that, even if it's what they need to do. People need to own their success or failure.

11. Give someone time to digest and take time to say yes, don't push the yes, it lowers your positioning and read #10 again.

12. Never make someone feel bad for not making a choice to work with you. However if they do waste your time...charge them idiot fees when they come back. And believe me... if you build things out like I will suggest...they always come back.

And just in case you're wondering...

Idiot fees are a standard 30% to 100% increase in fees charged to returning clients who insist on being idiots.

And over everything else.

Remember, you're helping a HUMAN BEING...

This isn't just money, it isn't just another sale.

Caring is the BEST strategy for helping someone...


The relationships are always more important than the transactions

So now you know...

The 97day challenge kicks of on monday...

It's N25,000 for the general group level for you. (It will never be this rate again)...

It's N900,000 to have me work with you privately...

And if for any reason...

You feel stuck...

A discounted Brain Repatterning session might just be what you need.

Whatever the case...

Hit replay and let me know how I can help.

Till tomorrow...

