I'm back to work
Apr 22, 2024 7:09 am
Hey there!
It's been a while.
But I'm super happy to still be hear.
It's been a pretty long painful road and I'm happy to say the worst is behind me.
Still have a pretty long road ahead to full recovery but I'm much better now.
For everyone who has reached out to check in, I want to say thank you again.
I don't take you love and attention for granted.
One of my favorite things about a near death experience is that it forces you to rethink things...
To re-evaluate everything to be sure that what you think is important is still important...
It's a terrible thing to spend an entire lifetime only to realize you spent it on things that really don't matter.
That's not the case with me though...
But time spent on my back gave me a new perspective about things, especially the work that I've been called to do and the relationships I'm investing in.
So today, I want to start the process of sharing with you what's new..
What's out...
And what's staying.
So here goes...
The first and I think pretty much the biggest is the move away from the Community Mastery Method...
Given how much time, energy and resources I've invested in developing the concept, it's odd to think I'd be moving away from it.
Well hear me out...
I'm moving away from the name not the concept.
Here's a little back story.
Back in 2017, I shut down the Highly Paid Experts Network (HPEN) and launched Tribemasters.
It was an instant hit.
We went 0 to 4000 members in 3 weeks and everything was a buzz...
I got a cease and desist from a lady in Norway claiming I was infringing on her trademark.
To avoid stories that touch the heart, I shut down the group and reopened HPEN.
But I always felt a disconnect between HPEN and the Community Mastery Methodâ„¢.
Well as it turn out recently the lady in question pass on and left me with an amazing opportunity build on the Tribemasters name.
You see..
Even though I own the Community Mastery Method, I can't own Community Mastery (except as a domain name and as a specially designed mark) and that opens my methodology to vulnerabilities that I don't particularly like.
Now that I have access to the Tribemaster name, I can officially own name assets that are unique and can be better protected.
That means, going forward it's the Tribemaster Framework and NOT the Community Mastery Method that I'll be teaching.
The only thing changing about the methodology is the Name and the fact that the new name expands my opportunities beyond just community building into the space of personal, organizational and market place leadership.
Pretty exciting.
I've started effecting these changes already across all my assets and tomorrow I'll be telling you some more about what these changes mean...
For now...
Thank you again for your love, patience and attention
And as always..
Get out of your own way.
PS: I'm taking the week to dig into the changes as it affects even the N600million Practice Playbook. The playbook is pretty much the same but obviously I'm made changes to the naming construct for the concepts inside the book and I need to bring you up to speed before handing it to you.
Plus It provides ample time to get the word out to my general audience so I can bring everyone up to speed.
You get your book and bonuses and a few extra surprises on Monday 22 April 2024.