[TDM] Growing your entrepreneurial success 10x
Jan 27, 2022 7:01 am
Hey there
As you know I've been smack in the middle of the current ongoing 90 day money game...
And it's been pretty exciting to see the breakthrough participants are making as the focus on getting out of their way and bringing in money each and every day...
To support that...
I figured over the next 40 days....
I'll work on helping us address the beliefs that stop us from really growing as much as we can...
Imagine being able to multiply your current success 10x...
How does that feel?
Most of us think doing that would involve incredible effort on our part...
But the truth is...
There was a time in our life when we were 10x less than we are today...
The problem is...
We've forgotten.
So what exactly does it mean to grow 10x...
Well first of all...
1. It means you simplify things:
In other words...
You build everything around a small number of superior skills you can remain passionate about for the rest of your life.
2. It means You normalize 10x:
You visualize yourself operating at a 10x higher level of capability and results—and make that your new normal
3. You manage time differently:
You transform your time management so that more and more of your work time is spent creating value for your very best clients.
4. You multiply your results:
You surround yourself with a team of people focused on their unfair advantages and as a result increasingly multiply the impact of your own time, attention, and effort.
5. Your Commitment multiplies 10x:
You increase your intentionality about everything you do so you give yourself only to situations where you’re completely committed.
6. You integrate systems:
You tie everything you do in your practice and life so it can continually be multiplied by increasingly powerful technological tools, systems, and networks.
10x is a single idea....
And the 10x Mindset can be immediately available to you.
The moment you start thinking 10x...
A powerful and permanent creative process is triggered in your brain.
A series of “obstacles” arise to challenge your creative abilities.
These obstacles are not there to stop you from moving forward and growing,
but rather to give you raw material for creating your own 10x Mindset.
Over the next days...
I provide you with the 40 biggest emotional and psychological obstacles that that keep you from growing 10x and how to transform them into assets rather than have them as liabilities.
Till tomorrow...