You gotta learn to fail
Jun 06, 2022 7:01 am
Hey there ,
How have the last few weeks been?
And how are you doing concerning your goals?
This week’s theme is failure....
Why it is that we’ve learned to make such a big deal out of things not working.
It’s important because the most common reason why people don’t get anywhere is that they give up before they start....
Or they take themselves out of the game before they’ve ever really gotten into it.
They give up in the present to avoid feeling bad in the future.
As I hope we've learned...
Our feelings only come from our thinking....
And failing to create a specific result in a particular time-frame can’t make us feel a way we don’t think…
Here's the challenge for this week...
Each day this week...
Do something that goes against ‘the rules of the game.
Ask for a discount at a store...
Order afang in a Chinese restaurant...
Sing a song in public and ask for money...
Or initiate a conversation with a stranger.
And if you're like me...
Rent out an entire cinema hall so you can make love to your wife there..
See what happens.
Chances are...
Your head won’t explode...
And you may even end up with a discount...
Really good afang...
And an interesting conversation.
Till tomorrow...
Get out of your own way.