How to make them talk about you

Jan 24, 2024 7:55 am

You've got to be a certain way with people so you can inspire three key results... want them to pay attention to you..

Second...You want them to do what you recommend...

And want them to become your evangelists and go convert their friends and family to your way of thinking.

Achieve this with leaders and people with influence and you are good as gold.

Hey there!

If there's anything I've learned about business, it's this:




It's about people.

And as obvious as that is...

You'd be surprised how often we forget that.

When I first got to Lagos and was trying to find my feet...

I wasn't drawing a salary from my business in Calabar.

So it was either Lagos worked or it didn't.

Thank God for a wife who happily paid my bills and f£$k£D!! my brains out.


To take care of my responsibilities, I built websites for for a number of small businesses...

Durbam Kitchenware...

Jadore Cakes..


To name a few....

Here's the key insight...

Everything started with SACO ( A Nigerian Comedian who now lives in the UK)

One person..

Opened up the door to multiple business opportunities for me.

To be honest...

My entire business life has always been around that theme...

One person being the door to endless opportunity.


When I told SACO what I wanted to do for him...

He was skeptical...

He knew it was possible to get business online but he didn't see how that would work for him...


All his other website designer basically just created on online picture book for him and that was it...


I got a clip of him telling a hilarious joke...

Put it on a webpage with an option to subscribe to get more jokes for being a subscriber to his weekly newsletter.

We called it "Something to laugh about".

In the newsletter was the option to hire him for your event at a "subscriber rate"

His job was to broadcast news about the page and newsletter...

My job was to manage the list..

3 months later...

He'd brought in an extra million in corporate gigs from just that simple page...

Not a big deal now...

It was a big deal then...

So he started talking about me...

One day he was asked why he recommended me and took my matter personal...

He said:

Mr. Bassey knows his stuff but beyond that you can trust him, he wouldn't lie to you. His 7pm is 7pm and if he can't do it, he'll tell you he can't do it.

By the way he said that in front of me.

One of multiple Best days ever!!

And pretty much all the people he introduced me too eventually became a part of my referral base and said more or less the same thing to their people about me.

What made this possible?

6 core habits.

  1. Show up on time
  2. Do what you say you will do
  3. Finish what you start
  4. Say please and thank you
  5. Do the write thing at the right time
  6. Be interested in people

Simple right?


But not particularly easy.

You literally have to be hyper intentional to install these habits as a natural way of being.

The good thing is...

You don't need an MBA or PHD to make this work....just good old fashioned commitment and courage.

Every now and then I come across a post on social media from someone who claims its a mistake to depend of referrals as a way to build your business...

And each time I do a bit of a check...

You know what I find?

They have no definite strategy in place for driving high referral levels...


If you're building a practice...

You need to understand that your job is primarily to think, create opportunity for moving forward and deliver transformational results...

And you do it at three levels...

Before your people join you...

While they are with you...

And after they leave you...

The thinking, opportunity creation and delivery is different at all three levels.

Done right...

It increases the primary thing we measure in building a practice...

Your Net Promoter Score (NPS): The willingness of your people to actively go out and talk about you, and introduce you and your walk to people who trust them.

The 6 core habits I listed above are essential to creating an environment around you with a ridiculously high NPS.

I have shared quite a lot over the past few days...

The one thing that I hope you've gotten out of the sharing of the last few days and the days to come is this:

Leadership is the new marketing

Read that again and let it sink in....slowly.

Leadership is the new marketing

You don't need gimmicks....


Or any fake it till you make it strategies to do any of the stuff I've shared so far.

You just need to simply show up and lead to the best of your ability.

The world we live in today has people confused, helpless and isolated to a very large extent...

The Community Mastery Method provides you with a framework for taking that confusion, helplessness and isolation and turning it into something incredibly valuable and powerful...

And in the process make a difference in the lives of untold numbers of people and also make a difference in your bank account too.

The question is: Will you step up and seize the opportunity in front of you?



We'll get into the power of stories.

Every movement has a story.

You need a story that show cases your humanity and that helps your people connect with you.

Now here’s the thing...

Even though the story details your journey, it’s not really about you, it’s about them.

It must show case how your journey harmonizes with theirs.

In the Community Mastery Method™, we use a process I call the Backstory Blueprint and it contains twelve key elements that help you thoroughly think through your story.

We'll get into them tomorrow.

Till then...

Get out of your own way and play a bigger game than you've ever played before.


PS: I still have 3 spots left for the 10 pay what you want sessions I offered. If you'd like my help helping you think through your next steps for launching, growing or scaling your practice or pretty much anything else you need.

Hit replay and lets talk.

PPS: So I did a thing. The Community Mastery Method group on Facebook is now officially launched. We open our doors officially on the 28th of January 2024 at 7pm.

Wanna join us?

