Back to the future in 3 steps
Feb 23, 2024 7:55 am
Hey there!
Yesterday I laid the foundation for why you need a clear cut customer journey mapped out...
And I gave you a framework for thinking though a 3 year relationship...
I focused on the three year relationship primarily because that's pretty easy for most of us to visualize and work on...
With a bit of good thinking of course...
I started out thinking in terms of a three year relationship with me back when I launched the Highly Paid Experts Network...
By the way...
If you're wondering what happened to HPEN...
It's gone through many iterations as I worked to find a perfect fit for it.
But essentially I took it off Facebook to build it into something more in alignment with the future that I initially had for it.
But I digress.
Yesterday I mentioned that there were 3 offers that aligned with each phase of your customer journey...
Let's talk about these three different offers and what they are.
Your Core Offer
You have a Core Offer.
Your Core Offer is your initial offering.
That's what your new clients buy first.
In the Community Mastery Method, we consistently make a distinction between clients and customers.
The difference is the length and quality of the relationship.
Your core offer should have a single outcome promise and be designed around
your SolutionFrame™.
You're going to give your customer a major boost towards their goal.
This is one big outcome.
One big milestone they get to knock off.
It's called a quick win.
It's also a trial period to see if this person is someone you can actually work with long term.
It's also a trial period for them trying you out.
This is a way for there to be a low risk engagement.
If you serve businesses or entrepreneurs...
It should also help your client to continue to afford to work with you.
After the Core Offer is over...
You want them to continue to work with you.
So those are the three thing:
1. Quick win, major boost towards the long term goal.
2. A trial period.
3. If applicable, earn enough money to continue to work with you.
That's your Core Offer: your 12 week milestone.
Your Next Level Offer
The Next Level Offer is actually what takes that successful Core Offer and helps them reach an amazing goal...
Which is probably actually their real goal.
And it's going to be a quantum leap above the Core Offer.
It's a big thing.
It's not just that first milestone.
It's a huge jump.
To put it in perspective, your Core Offer is a great goal to get...
But your Ascension Offer is going to be a huge stretch.
And that way it's also a quantum leap in pricing.
This is going to be restricted to customers that you love working with.
It should be considered a regular expense for your customer’s business because it's monthly.
A monthly amount they're going to pay probably on a regular basis...
Although they may prepay...
But this is typically your source of regular recurring revenue.
Your Inner Circle Offer
Now finally....
Your Inner Circle Offer is going to be your unadvertised...
Highly intimate program for very few select customers.
Two characteristics:
1. Lots of physical presence, like events.
2. Recurring multiplication-like value.
This is going to be something people could repeat over and over again.
So you're not going to say,
"Oh, we're going to make a hundred thousand dollars."
Because next time a hundred thousand dollars isn't good enough.
Instead you might say something like
“we're going to 5X or 10X your business.”
Because next time 10X is even more.
Just be careful that you don't over promise.
And of course this is going to be a huge, big investment.
That's actually going to filter most people out.
If you're really good...
As a bonus...
You're going to use your Inner Circle Offer to actually set things up for future revenue growth.
I'm talking certifications, licensees, referral partnerships, franchises, things like that.
And that my friend is your customer journey map.
When I started out...
My core offer was the ActionPLan Consultation and the Goal was to provide them just that: A Clear ActionPlan.
If the person and I vibed...
I invited them to the platinum level of the Highly Paid Experts Network. (My next level offer)
If they did extremely well...
I invited them to meet with and be vetted my diamond members. (My Inner Circle offer)
If they got accepted, they joined the diamond tier.
This simple journey map got us to our first $120,000 within 11months in 2015.
Remember though that at the beginning I literally offered my core offer on a pay what you want basis.
By 2018 ending....
This same structure brought in over a billion naira (a million dollars) before my crash in 2019.
Since then my customer journey has morphed quite a bit.
Right now...
I'm particularly focused on a creating 25 year relationships with my clients...
So naturally I have to think a bit differently about the journey.
But that's a story for another day.
I'll be sending you an invite to the next Creating The Perfect Offer masterclass...
It's just for a class of 10...
And the investment is N75,000 ($50) for TDM subscribers (N150,000 for non subscribers)
If you're serious about launching a practice or taking your practice to that critical next level...
This is your first step in having me work with you.
Till tomorrow...
Play a bigger game.
Get out of your own way.
PS: If you're signed up for the current Creating The Perfect Offer Masterclass, invites were sent of yesterday at 6pm WAT.
If you're already inside The Community Mastery Resource Center, you will find that you have been added to the program area...
And you would have received notification.
If you're not already a part of the Center, please check your inbox for an email from The Community Mastery Method™ to get your onboarding and access details.
You already have a number of things to get done in order to get the best from our first masterclass session on Saturday...(Tomorrow)
So get to work.