The 6 line Business Plan

Jun 13, 2024 7:55 am

Hey there!


Back in August 2006...

Elon Musk wrote a blog post that has now become famous.

I won't bore you with all of it...


The last 6 lines contain the whole strategy for Tesla:

"So, in short, the master plan is:

Build sports car

Use that money to build an affordable car

Use that money to build an even more affordable car

While doing above, also provide zero emission electric power generation options

Don't tell anyone."

17 years later...

Less than a year ago today...

Tesla crossed the $800 Billion mark in worth.




The number one challenge I see with:

Smart people.

Good people.

Experienced people.

People with valuable skills they could be making millions from... they complicate the living daylights out of everything.



And generally creating a complicated mess of their own making.

From endless strategies...

To dabbling with multiple markets, offers, marketing, partnerships and commitments at once.


Getting lost in the noise...

Rather than tuning into the signal.

I know because...

I experienced it myself.

Still do.

When I feel a loss of momentum...

It can generally be linked to doing too much rather than too little.

To gain real traction.

Impact many.

Generate real wealth.

Your focus needs to be so simple and narrow it hurts.

The way to go wide is go deep.

There's no end of problems in the world.


To create the biggest impact on everyone, including yourself:

Solve one, do it over and over again.

Master it

Find simplicity on the other side of complexity.

If it's good enough for Elon...

It's good enough for you.

If you want help simplifying your business model...

Click here to get a ticket to my workshop on How to launch a coaching and consulting practice that thrives in any economy

If you have a Nigerian bank account and would prefer to make a transfer please do so to:

Providus Bank

Account name: Victor Ekpo Bassey

Account number: 7801192176

Once payment is done, please send proof to and I'll get you all set up.

Registration ends tomorrow.

Till then.

Get out of your own way.


PS: Do you like the new length of the newsletter? Please let me know.
