much ado about the way?

Aug 16, 2024 7:55 pm

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #46

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

The way to breakthrough is better thinking.


Hey there!


The Way of The Tribemaster is a framework...a way of thinking about creating, leveraging and monetizing influence in life and at the market place.

Over the years, it's gone through many iterations:

Strategic Focus...

VIP Branding...

The Community Mastery Method...

The Tribemaster Framework...

And eventually The Way of the Tribemaster.

What hasn't changed is the fact that it's a way of thinking about influence in life and at the market place.

This is important because as I lean into this more and more, there are going to be a number of reactions from different people as a result of the ideas that The Way of the Tribemaster represents.

Speaking of ideas - here one: What do you think of "The Way" as the short form for The Way of the Tribemaster?

I'll try it on for size for the rest of this issue - let me know how it feels or sits with you.

As I was saying...

The Way will create a number of reactions from people as it gets taught.

First will be from the true experts in our midst.

As I share the key distinctions from The Way, what you'll start to see are opportunities and as a result you'll feel a lot of excitement about the future.

These new found opportunities will help you become more entrepreneurial and commercially smart with your knowledge and expertise.

Second will be from those who are not yet true experts in their field but are on their way.

The concepts that I share will give you hope - hope for a bigger better future.

The final group of people are just going to be upset by the things I say - some how you'll see what I share as a threat to your current way of life.


Because The Way represents a revolution - a change in the status quo.

If that's you - feel free to unsubscribe

You'll be much happier.

For the rest of us...

Over the next few days I'll share how The Way helps you:

Focus on your most important abilities and resources..

Focus on your most important relationships in the market place...

Focus on your most important opportunities that are being created today...

Here's a thought for you to carry through the weekend:


All of life is about growth.

And if you find yourself in a situation where you seem to be consistently hitting limits...

Not growing..

No matter how hard you and how long you work.

This is a perfect set up for a personal crisis.

In order to breakthrough, you need better thinking.

Better thinking is facilitated by bigger better goals.

Here's the things about goals though...

At first they help us break through our current limits.

But once they are achieved, more often than not these same goals imprison us.

To breakthrough we consistently need to be moving towards bigger better goals.

Here's how you do that:

  1. Always be moving towards bigger better future.
  2. Understand that environments normalize excellence and mediocrity. So create or get into environments that normalize the realities you want for you
  3. Remember that learning is not increase in knowledge, it's a change in behavior. Foolishness is complaining about the same behavior and outcomes but refusing to change. And intelligence is consistently moving towards what you want.

Till tomorrow..

Get out of your own way


PS: On the 29th of September, I'll be formally launching The International Society of Tribemasters. If you're interested in taking your influence to the next level - building a wildly successful and highly profitable practice that brings in $50k to $100k a month working 3 days a week with 2 support staff, let's talk.
