About tonight

Aug 27, 2020 12:03 pm

Hey there

So tonight is about getting to your very first N48million.

In order to get in the right frame of mind for the trauma I'll invariably be putting you through...

Here's something I'd recommend you do...

But that I know you probably will not do...

At some point today...

Sit down and ask yourself...

Why am I not yet at N4million a month selling coaching, consultingor training programs online?

Once you have your answers....

Ask this other question...

What's it costing me to keep on living these excuses?

Once you have your answers...

Ask this other question...

What do I intend to do about it?

Now here's the thing...

Behavior does not lie...

If you're confused about what you really truly want...

Take a look at what you're doing every day...

How you're investing your time...

And you'll know everything you need to know about what's really truly important to you.


Just in case you're wondering if I'm judging you...

Lemme me perfectly clear:

I AM!!!

But only if you're not yet at N4million a month...

And you still haven't come to the Brand Acceleration Workshop yet.

Go straight to jail...

Don't pass go...

Don't collect $200

And if you didn't get the monopoly reference...

UNSUBSCRIBE PLEASE....we don't need that kind of negativity!!

If you're above N4million and want to scale things up...

You and I should really talk #justsaying

Seriously though...

Results come from a sincere commitment to the specific actions that produce the results we want...

And tonight we're having a "honey we need to talk" kinda conversation about what those specific actions are.

I hope to see you...

Till then..

Play a bigger game.


PS: Look out for my wedding anniversary offer...if opens tomorrow at 8am and closes midnight sunday but I'll be telling you all about it today.

PPS: I figured out the perfect getaway for us inspite of aunt Rona.

