The 72hr Core Offer
Jan 08, 2021 8:18 pm
Hey there people!
The first of your 52 moves is ready.
It's a simple plan that you can implement as is or tweak to your pleasure.
If you want a simple way to hit $100k with out hassle whilst building a tribe of customers...
This is how you do it.
This one issue alone is in my humble opinion worth the entire cost of your membership of HPEN.
Study it over the weekend...
But more importantly...
Do. IT.
And share your progress as we go through the 97 day challenge.
Click on the link below to access it...
If you're not yet in the Your Next 52 Space...
Click on the link above to join and I'll let you in.
PS: Next weeks action plan is about Creating Content That Converts Prospects Into Paying Customers.
You're going to love it.