Today's Recording

Dec 07, 2020 8:12 pm

Hey there

Here's the link to today's recording:

Click here to download it


Profitable Markets to Consider 

Aging / Senior Interests

Antiques And Collectibles

Arts And Crafts


Baby And Child

Beauty (Skincare / Haircare)

Business (Auctions)

Business (General)

Business (Internet)

Business (Opportunities)

Business (Small / Home)

Cancer Survival / Support

Career And Jobs

Coaching And Consulting


Computer (Hardware)

Computer (Software)

Computers And Technology

Consumer Protection



Disease And Illness



Finance And Investment

Health And Fitness


Home And Family

Home Repair / Improvement

Home Schooling

Interior Decorating


Investing And Finance

Kids And Teens


Men’s Issues


Non-Profit And Fundraising





Public Speaking

Real Estate

Recreation And Sports


Religion (Christianity)


Retail Businesses


Sales And Marketing


Self Improvement / Help



Sports (Golf, Tennis, Etc.)

Stock Market

Time Management

Travel And Leisure

Wedding And Marriage

Wellness And Remedies

Women’s Issues




How-To Tutorials: step by step tutorials

EX: How to lose 10kg in 10days

FAQs: 10 to 20 of the most asked questions

EX: Top 20 questions about making money with your book on amazon

Interviews: Asking others questions and compiling those answers

Ex: You asking real estate experts about buying real estate in lagos

List: a listing of ways, strategies, tips, secrets, tactics, techniques, habits, exercises, principles, etc. with a detailed description of each entry to the list.

Ex: Top 10 Time Management Tips You’ve NEVER Been Told

Case Studies: profiling different successful examples of accomplishing a common task.

Ex: Outreach Program Plans of the 10 Fastest Growing Churches

Resource Directories: a group of related entries of resources (usually indexed categorically and then alphabetically) along with their contact information such as web site, phone number and or mailing/physical address.

EX: 101 apps every expert most know about to save N150000 a year in costs

Idea Generators: a series of prompts to help brainstorm ideas

Ex: 101 ideas for dating your wife

First Year Guides: walk a newcomer through the first 12 months of a particular endeavor.

Ex: Your first year as a coach

Niche Business Resources: teach niche business owners how to market and get customers

Ex: The Tour Operators guide to build your business with Instagram in a covid 19 economy

Topic Bridges: combine two unrelated topics into one

Ex: The Social Media Managers Fitness Plan

Short Cuts: focus on ways to save time or effort in accomplishing a specific task without sacrificing any benefits or quality.

EX: Top 10 Shortcuts For Using Canva

Advanced Guides: providing information for the experienced or advanced user

EX: Advanced marketing strategies for 6 figure stay at home mums

Time Frames: focus most of your “positioning” on the TIME FRAME in which the task can be completed

EX: 21 Days to Breaking Any Habit, Addiction or Weakness

Personal Profiles: reveals and explains how you accomplished a specific task that others want to accomplish

Ex: How make 391k selling nothing online

Planners: a set of activities arranged in a daily schedule as a sort of checklist to work through.

Ex: The 4 week wedding planner and organizer

“What to do when” series: what they should do when they find themselves facing a specific problem that can still be remedied.

Ex: What to do when you can’t get pregnant

Pop Culture Ideas: Leveraging popular songs, shows, movies to create a nanoproduct

Ex: What shrek taught me about losing my pot belly

Current Event Tie Ins: tie-in the content to an upcoming holiday or event

Ex: How to make more money from your first wedding anniversary than you get paid as a salary in a month

Money Saving Tricks: how to save money or completely eliminate the cost that is associated with a particular activity.

EX: How to save money on school fees for private schools

Fun money: Making money from your passion

EX: How to turn your passion into an internet business

Faster and Easier: accomplish some task faster and/or easier than they were previously able to do.

EX: 5 ways to get promoted faster

Barriers and mistake:

Ex: 17 stupid things people do when starting a business

Magical Transformations: transform something you’ve already got into something much more desirable

How to turn a N500 audio into a N2million program

5 minute guides

5 minute guide to getting rid of headaches

Survival Guide: how to deal with a problem that they cannot avoid.

How to survive menopause without destroying your relationship

Top picks: your opinion on the top best of anything

EX: Top 3 ways to go from nothing to N48million in a year speaking

Age specific:

How to retire at 35 and never work again


Class tomorrow starts at 10am

See you then.

