You gotta know when to hold em
Feb 25, 2024 7:55 am
Hey there!
It's that time of the month again.
And in about 2 more sprints the first quarter will be over?
In the immortal words of the quintessential philosopher Chief Bassey Ekpo Bassey:
How far nah?
I hope you're taking the time to consistently evaluate your progress so you're not kidding yourself.
And just in case you're new and wondering...
Every two weeks...
I give an account of what I've been doing...
What I've learned and what I'm committed to doing going forward...
It's like having a front row seat to the mind as I build out my practice.
The process I use is called The Results Engineā¢...
And I recommend you do the same...
Evaluate you're self using the process every two weeks...
You don't have to do it in public like I do...
Just do it.
Here goes...
Step 1: What wins, breakthroughs, successes did you achieve in the past two weeks?
Here are my wins for the past 14 days:
- I had a pretty bad accident. Fortunately it happened where I could access help. And so I got the care I needed and was abled to be back on my feet in pretty much next to no time without missing an issue of TDM.
- I wrote 14000 words of fresh content for my book. My BookMaster alter ego is pretty powerful and got me to really truly focus on what mattered to me and what I truly wanted out in the world.
- I hosted the first session of the current "Creating The Perfect Offer" masterclass. It was fun.
- Got one new client for the basic level of Expert Business School and $5000. So now I just have one more spot to fill.
- Stepping into my BookMaster identity, opened my eyes to a new profit stream that would over time establish me as one of the most influential experts in my field over the next 7 years.
- Got youtube premium. Weird right? Whodathunk it'd be a win but it's awesome to get rid of them ads.
Step 2: What have you learned?
The major thing for me is the power of choice.
Let me explain.
So there I was in full BookMaster mode and suddenly a voice in my head said:
You know you don't have to do this...right?
As ridiculous as that might sound...
It stopped me for a sec.
And then the realization kidda flooded through me...
I don't HAVE to write TDM every morning: I CHOOSE TO
I don't have to run EBS: I CHOOSE TO.
And I certainly don't have to work through keeping my commitment to writing and publishing this book: I CHOOSE TO.
And if I'm CHOOSING to do anything...
I can also choose my experience of it.
I can choose to enjoy the rigor...
Rather than choose to bitch and moan about it...
And that made the difference.
And looking back now...
I see how making that daily CHOICE has brought me here.
Choice is a fundamental human super power.
And though it could be limited by others...
No one can actually truly take away your powers of choice.
The illusion that someone can take away your choice in my humble opinion is why we deliberately act against our own best interests.
This power of choice came in pretty handy when I had my accident...
You see I had a choice...
I could complain that I'd been dealt a bad hand and life wasn't treating me fairly...
And in the process make the lives of those supporting me miserable.
I could make the best use of a bad hand...
And regulate my attitude.
And do all I could...
With all that i had...
Right where I was.
And that right there is a big challenge.
Doing all that you can do is freaking hard when you don't accept the hand that you have been dealt.
A lovely nod to this ideas is the song The Gambler...
CLICK HERE to listen to and watch a hilarious version with the late Kenny Rogers and the immortal Lionel Richie who didn't know the lyrics or which alter ego he wanted to step into...
Step 3: How will you put what you have learned to use in the next 14 days?
I have three questions I used to regulate my state through out the last 14 days:
- Do I want to do this? If the answer is yes...then
- How do I make this the most fun and beneficial experience ever given the circumstance.
If the answer to question 1 was no...
The question would be: How do I get out of this as quickly and as ecologically as possible whilst maintaining the highest possible standards of integrity?
I'll be sharing these questions with my clients through out week and document how it helps them shift.
Then create a worksheet to adapt it to practice management as a talent management tool for practice managers.
I think these 3 questions will make me a lot of money, this year.
Step 4: What are your top 3 intentions for the next 14days?
- Host two events in the CMM group. One to introduce everyone and kinda let them know what the groups about and then have our very first "service" the next week.
- Activate Bookmaster and have 12500 words written.
- Restart my walk plan and get on my recommended meal plan.
These were my intentions for the last sprint and I only got round to smashing one.
I'll be having a do over this next sprint to ensure that I'm back on track with what I want done.
Notice that this is the second or third time I'm carrying intentions forward for one reason or another....
A belief that I have that helps me do this with easy is this:
There are no unrealistic goals. Only inflexible unrealistic dead lines.
It's the equivalent of if at first you don't succeed: Try and try again.
Step 5: Detail all the things that will stop you from achieving your intentions, map out solutions to them and then go to action immediately.
As always...
I'll do this privately mainly because it'll make this too long...
So that's it for this report...
Let me know your thoughts...
We'll dig in some more into a tribe building strategy that each and every one of us can use.
It's the strategy that took an Idea called PowerIdeas and turned it into a multimillion naira publishing powerhouse before I sold it off last year.
It's also the same strategy driving the growth of TDM...
You're going to love it.
Till then...
Play a bigger game
Get out of your own way