Don't Try To Convince Them

Sep 03, 2021 12:01 pm

Hey there

So yesterday was a pretty full day for me.

But all things considered. it went well.

My daughter had her surgery and handled it like a boss.

Back in 2016, I attended a Strategic Coach workshop in Toronto.

It turned out that the Genius Network was having their annual Genius Event that same week...

Unfortunately I was spent and the event was $10,000 for the 2 days.

And I wanted to attend.

So whilst moaning to a fellow participant about it..

He said: "Victor you're in a room with incredibly successful entrepreneurs and you're complaining about not having $10,000 for an event?

Haven't you learned anything?"

Long story short: I got the ticket.

How I did that is a story for another day.

I had an amazing time at the event.

But the one thing that made it worth the $10k for me was a session by Lisa Sasavich where she said:

"The best salespeople don’t try to convince. They preach to the converted."

Now the first time I heard that...I didn't fully understand it.

But as she went on with her 10mins clicked.

Think about your own life.

Who do you consider to be really smart?

Who do you turn to for advice and help?

Usually someone who says things you agree with consciously or unconsciously.


Because we all want to reinforce our preconceived conscious or unconscious ideas of truth and justice.

And so when someone promotes values we agree with, we’re more likely to listen to them, trust them and turn to them for advice.

It’s the same with marketing and selling.

Don’t change minds.0

Align with what’s already there.

The whole PURPOSE of your sales process is to show how your product or service is consistent with what your client already wants, believes and values.

It’s NOT about trying to change their mind.

You CAN’T change their mind.

Forget it.


The best you can do is reframe your product or service so that they sees it as consistent with their preconceived ideas about what they already want.

When prospects hesitate and object, they’re simply saying:

“As you’ve explained it to me, your product doesn’t seem to line up with what I believe is important to me.”

The way to overcome that is not to argue.

That rarely changes anyone’s mind.

The way to overcome that is to show how the product does in fact align with something so very dear and important to your client.

But isn’t it better if you can avoid this sticky situation to begin with?

Of course it is.

To avoid it, make sure you’re aligned before you ever suggest they buy this or that, to avoid the objection.

I’ll show you how to do this in just a bit.

Here's something to pay attention to..

It’s not about selling. Selling is the way you see it.

From your prospect’s perspective: it’s about buying or not buying.

From your perspective it’s a question of: Will I make a sale or not?

From your prospect’s perspective, it’s not a question of BUYING or SELLING.

It’s a question of: Should I BUY or NOT BUY.?

This is important. Really important.

Most entrepreneurs are average because their ability to sell is average.

Their ability to sell is average because their ability to put themselves in their client’s shoes is average. (Or below average #evillaugh)

The more skilled you are at getting into your client’s mind, the easier it is for you to:

  • Align your product and service with what they already want
  • Preach to them about what they already believe, know and want to hear.

Your goal?

To make it easier for your client to buy than to not buy.

This will only happen if the way forward with your product looks clearer than without it.

You give them this clarity not by trying to convince them or change their mind.

You give them this clarity by first coming to deeply understand who they are and what they want.

You then show how your product or service is directly aligned with what they most want.


To be clear...

I’m not suggesting any sort of manipulation.

Everything here is meant to be used ethically.

We’re simply designing a sales system that is consistent with human psychology so you can help the greatest number of people through your products and services.

Tomorrow I'll share with you why your goal SHOULDN'T be to make a sale and what it should be instead.

Till then..

Play a bigger game than you've ever played before.



  • The 97 day challenge kicks off officially on Monday at 10am. If you attended BAW as a part of your enrollment in the're all set up. Simply log in to the 97 day challenge academy on monday morning and you'll find Your welcome and onboarding session appear on your dashboard. If you've only just signed up for it...look out for an invite to the 97day challenge from Acadle on monday morning.

  • Our first HPEN Connect meeting will hold this saturday and we're talking about how to be build a Competition Proof Practice. It'll take place on zoom and will be a great opportunity for us to connect with each other. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
