The Psychology of consistency

Nov 05, 2020 7:20 pm

Hey there guys!

Here is today's replay:

Today's replay

As promised here's the link to a video resource on cognitive bias:

Click here

The interesting thing about the Consistency Protocol™?

It uses quite a few cognitive bias, which allows us to formulate thoughts, ideas and theories in the mind of our potential buyers.


The entire concept of the consistency protocol is to combine these together and through content allow for someone to see you, as the only choice, to invest in or buy from.


To give you an idea of how this works, I wanted to share with you, just a few of the cognitive bias, and what they are, so you understand when developing content, why it’s so effective.


Red Car

The subconscious sees more of whatever we desire and whatever we resist. If you want a red car then you will see red car’s everywhere.


Everyone else is doing it. They are witnessing the ‘tribe’ have a certain belief so we want to be part of the tribe too.


Attentional Bias

It builds upon the ‘Red Car’ effect but when you focus on something then you will expand that attention you spend on it and you will continue to expend energy on it until you have created a bias.


Mere Exposure

Whatever you are exposed to, you are automatically going to gravitate towards. Even if your belief system is against that at the beginning. People are very willing to defend their beliefs even if their beliefs were created by someone else. So the Mere Exposure effect allows for us to make it so that if we are just in front of people over and over and over again then they will build belief and buy into your offer.


Context Effect

The context effect and anchoring are very similar. So the context effect is whatever context is created by your relevancy, you will then retrigger that relevancy, that thought and that belief, every time that they see you.

So every piece of content we post with our positioning, our messaging and relevancy, we are able to have this context effect so that the person doesn’t even have to consume the content because they are already thinking about the problem that we solve.

You want your audience to have context, not consumption. You would rather someone see your ad 200 times and NOT click on it, then see your ad 200 times and click on every single time and consume all the content.


Because the context is more effective than the content.

Context enables your audience to have a more powerful story about how you can help them.



Anchoring is the order of the impression you make. Anchoring focuses on improving where they place you in their mind..


Google Effect

Google effect is the effect that you don't retain the majority of what you're actually seeing on social media. Meaning your conscious brain has a very hard time remembering what you consume. Instead, the brain creates allies and or fills in the gaps in what you're actually reading.

This means that your content does not have to be mind blowing as people are often skimming your content. As long as your context is good and your contents okay, you are going to be able to utilize omnipresence really well.


Illusory Truth

All of us have these truths in our life that are completely based upon fiction, not based upon facts.

Often, the beliefs that your audience have around the problem they are experiencing are not very productive.

In effect, these truths (beliefs) stop them from believing in our solution to their problem. So we need to help them create new truths. Our content allows us to create those new truths and it gives them a belief system for them to adopt.

