Wanna borrow my confidence?
Aug 13, 2024 7:56 am
The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #43
FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster
“The value people get from what you say is sometimes all about how confidently you say it” — CTM
Hey there!
A few months back I was grieving the loss of a really great friend.
To be honest at a point - I literally wanted to shut down everything and wallow in my loss.
Then I had a conversation with my therapist.
Yup....I have a private therapist.
You'd be nuts to do the kind of work I do at the level I do it and not have one.
Anyways I'm in a session with him and I'm fishing for a hack to deal with what I'm feeling...
You know what he says to me?
Victor I understand the pain you must be feeling right now and it's ok to give yourself permission to feel it. But you're not a child nor are you a rookie, you're a master with responsibilities and job to do. Cry if you must but you cannot wallow. Put your big boy pants back on and get back to living!
I stared at him for a moment to allow his words sink in.
It wasn't just the words but the certainty with which he said it.
So I wiped by tears and set a date to end my grieving.
And I threw myself into my work and loving my family.
Come the day that I set to stop grieving - I simply shifted from loss to gratitude.
And I have maintained that state ever since.
All because some guy with glasses half way across the world told me I'm allowed to cry but not wallow.
When you're leading people as you invariably do as a Tribemaster - certainty is a tool.
People sometime need to borrow your own confidence in order to be able to make the commitments that create their breakthrough.
That certainty comes from conviction about the power of your frameworks and IP and your ability to produce the results you have promised - it cannot be faked.
It's one of the most powerful things you can provide in your relationship with the people who come into your world.
I help experts build a wildly successful and highly profitable global practice working 3 days a week, 15 to 20 hours a week to bring in $500k to $1.5m with the support of one or two staff.
That's one of the things I do. It's not the only thing I do.
It's one thing to say that confidently when your people are consistently getting results.
It's a totally differently thing to lead people to that end result when they NOT getting results especially not as fast as they want to.
During those times - it's not English that keeps your clients working with you.
It's your conviction and your certainty that helps them stay committed long enough to actually overcome their current self programing and get the results you have promised.
Certainty is a skill born out of conviction.
Conviction is absolute faith in your capacity to produce results.
It cannot be faked.
But it can be developed faster than you think.
Till tomorrow..
Get out of your own way
PS: Just so you know - the very first year of Tribemaster Confidential will be uber focused on upleveling your messaging and content game.
And if you're just joining us - Tribemaster Confidential is our monthly publication for Tribemasters - Every month you get an issue with the most up to date strategies for building a wildly successful and highly profitable Tribemaster Practice.
We debute on the 29th of September, 2024 with the formal launch of Tribemasters.