
Sep 02, 2024 7:55 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #58

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

Progress is based on truth a lone— CTM

Hey there!

I don't know about you but I'm pretty excited about September.


It's the month of the official launch of Tribemasters - the month we officially go public.

I'm pretty proud of what we've achieved so far over the last 4 months.

We've literally done more in our first 4 months what HPEN did in it's first 12 months.

And I totally excited to be officially taking this public on the 29th of September 2024.

Once that's done, that will be referenced going forward as the day we officially launched.

There's a lesson in that for you.

Test your models.

Validate everything before going big with it.

I'm not even going big with Tribemasters - I'm capping membership at a maximum of 30 members spread across the following access level points N3m, N6m and N10m.

So pretty much If you're thinking of joining us and taking advantage of the current investment of $1500, hit reply and lets talk.

After the 29th - that's as good as gone.

The second thing I'm pretty excited about is The Quantum Leap Experience which at it's core is all about helping you achieve seemingly impossible goals.

It's a step down version of Project Xponential.

When the year started - I partnered up with a client of mine to run it as a retreat.

Unfortunately my health got in the way.


I'm grateful that it's taking on a life of it's own.

And that's the thing with our goals - as long as you stay open they can lead you to some incredible opportunities.

Priced at $3000 per client for 3 months with the option to renew, The Quantum Leap Experience will bring me in contact with amazing people I couldn't serve with Project Xponential.

So going into 2025 - my focus will be 100% on Tribemasters and The Quantum Leap Experience.

I expect to be making some pretty amazing leaps in progress in the weeks leading to the end of the year...

And I hope you'll have the courage to join me.

The time is ripe for a quantum leap.

All you need is the commitment and courage to get out of your own way.

Talk later.

