You are invited to step into the arena

May 14, 2024 7:56 am


Hey there

Today I want to invite you to a very special place..

But first...

Watch this:

Pretty cool right?

Now let me tell you a story.

So there I was in the very sweet embrace of this woman I absolutely love having sex with...

When my phone rang...

I wasn't please.

But some how I managed to untangle my body from the miles of supple flesh that make up my wife's amazing body...

And finally took the call.

On the other end of the phone was a gentleman client of mine calling from the Bahamas and he was completely distraught.

He'd invested just over $100k in creating a video software and was in beta launch mode but the refunds were scaring the living daylights out of him...

You see the problem wasn't that the software was bad...

The problem was that the people buying it were not using it and so took advantage of the refund policy.

And his sales team was not particularly helping.

Long story short and being that I was super eager to get back to what I'd started earlier...

I suggested he fire his sales team and handle things himself. #shocker

Him: But Sensei, wouldn't I come across as a sole proprietor and lose my brand positioning?

Me: What brand positioning?! #evillaugh

So he calls up his clients..

Starts offering private consultations to show them how to use the software for their benefit...

Half the clients who left came back.

The ones who hadn't left upgraded to higher packages...

And he ended up closing 70% of new business and saving his saas.

Along the way he got the idea to record a video of his presentation and train sales people to send people to the video presentation...

When he asked me if it was a good idea...

I said I don't know and we won't know until we test it.

Test it he did and it worked - extremely well.


His company Eboov is doing pretty well.

My point?

You don't know what you know or don't know until you know it, and the only way to know it for sure is to test it by taking action.

Everyone of us reading this right now can radically change the quality of our lives and the quality of results we habitually produce by just simply taking action on the information we've accumulated over the years.

I'm not talking about just randomly doing stuff...

I'm talking...

  1. Clarify your outcome
  2. Take action based on what you know
  3. Evaluate the results
  4. Modify your actions
  5. Rinse and repeat steps 3 and 4 till you get the results you want

This is a result oriented frame of what I shared in the TDM issue titled: Coffee for Your Soul

Where I shared the 5 steps for protecting yourself from well meaning bad advice::

  1. Consume: Take in new information
  2. Reflect: Think about how to apply it.
  3. Engage: Apply it in really life and not just your imagination.
  4. Reflect: Think about the results of your application
  5. Repeat: Think, adapt and apply and evaluate your results again

This is what Stepping Into The Arena is about.

It's deliberately and consciously testing the ideas in your head in real life, evaluating your results and acting accordingly.

If it sounds simple, it's because it is.

But that doesn't mean it's easy.

We literally have to face our fears and what's stopping us from being fully present in our own lives.

Put yourself actively, with your behavior, into the context of what you are trying to accomplish.

Want to lose weight and think lifting weights is going help?

Go lift some bloody weights, consistently, for a month and see how you feel.

Want to get more sales for your practice and think the Tribemaster Framework might do the trick?


Follow the process, DO THE DAMN WORK ...

Because what you really need to know in order to have growth can only come from Stepping into The Arena.

If you "learn" something new …

Something which changes your perception.

Something which you think is now very important to you ...

And you do NOT change your behavior because of it,

Then you are violating your own personal and economic principles.

If you say "wow, I think that's going to help me solve several problems"

And then you don't go and apply that...

You are being an asshole to yourself (forgive my efik)

You are engaging in mental masturbation.

And pleasurable as that might be..

It's really not quite the same as a shared sexual experience with a partner you care about.


As the writer of this fine publication, I shouldn't be so harsh.

You are probably going to enjoy reading and then not implement.

Not Step into The Arena.

And really...

It's your life...

Your choice...

Feel free to muck it up any which way you want...

In many ways, I'm writing to myself.

Because I'm 100% guilty of this. 

None of us are perfect.

I am certainly not.

But there comes a time when you simply have to end the BS and do what you know you MUST do.




Will today finally be the first day of the best days of you life?

Will today be the day you step into the arena for real.

Will today be the day you stop making up stories in your head and simply get to work....

Building your practice...

Playing a bigger game...

Getting out of your own way...

Is today the day?

Let me know

Till tomorrow

Don't be an asshole to yourself

~again please forgive my efik~


PS: When you're ready, there are fundamentally 4 ways I can help you succeed on your journey to building a wildly successful and highly profitable global practice that matters:

  1. If you're just joining us and have no clue what we're about, I recommend you read my new book "The Tribemasters Practice" it'll give you a grounding in the Tribemaster Framework and a plan for getting to your first $25000 a month from your practice.
  2. You've started your practice but You've been struggling to get to a consistent $10000 a month from your practice. Tribemasters Academy might just be right for you. It's a $1500 a year investment. Hit reply and let's have a conversation about that.
  3. You've been around a while, gone past the $10,000 a month mark but You're stuck and would like to break through to $25000 to $80,000 months. Then the International Society of Tribemasters might just be right for you. It's a $10000 a year investment. Again, hit reply and let's talk.
  4. You are a high performer doing $100,000+ a month and you want private support to achieve seemingly impossible goals over a 12 month period. ProjectXponential might just be right for you. It's a $50000 a year investment with very strict criteria for joining. If this is you...let's talk.