There he goes again #smh

Jul 20, 2024 8:00 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #19

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

If we’re going to change and improve our lives continually and in significant ways, we have to develop mental, emotional, and psychological muscles. We have to become strong enough to overcome the obstacles of our own habitual ways of thinking, feeling, talking and acting. And we have to be courageous enough to go against the objections of other people’s belief systems and organizational structures.  - CTM

Hey there

Yesterday I was a guest on 'Turning 60' - a series of conversations about How to think in today's world - hosted by the delightful Kemi Oyesola.

If felt full circle because about 2 years ago (2022), Kemi invited me and some of the people taking part in the conversation series with her to a private zoom meeting where she pretty much said - Y'all are thinking way too small.


To say I was offended would be the understatement of year.

Who on earth did she think she way - coming up and telling me i was thinking small.

I'd literally just made the jump to from $15,000 per private client to $50,000 a client and had 5 private clients at that level at the time.

How dare you tell me I am thinking too small!!!!!

Well long story short...

Once I left the meeting - I couldn't get her question out of my mind.

Why was I limiting myself?

Why was I offended that she suggest that I was limiting myself?

Yes I'd just made a huge jump - why did it offend me that she suggested that I could have gone bigger than I did?

Fortunately I gave real thought to that idea and just allowed it to pull me forward.

Fast forward to yesterday and I was in front of Kemi again only this time - I had grow far more than I originally though possible and now I was open.

We talked about a number of things and when the recordings are available I'll share it with you.

But here's the key thing.

Before the event closed, Kemi led us through a thought exercise where she recommended we imagine ourselves in a future bigger and better than our past.

And live there fully for 2mins - totally and fully as if it was happening now,

It's not a new exercise to my but allowing myself the grace to participate opened up a totally new possibility for concerning Tribemasters.

So here's the deal: On the 29th of September 2024 I will be officially launching The International Society of Tribemasters (Tribemasters for short_ via a public event - so far I've pretty much kept things in house.

If you're currently a member of Tribemasters (The Academy or the Society), no need to do anything - you'll get updates inside our members area - which by the way is going to getting quite the upgrade over the next few weeks.

If you've been thinking of joining us - here what you need to understand:

Membership fees are going up.

The Academy basic offer is going from $1500 to $3000 a year up front with the option for monthly payments

The Academy private offer is going from $5000 to $7500 upfront with the option for monthly payments.

Membership will be capped at a 100 a year for the academy.

If you'd like to be grandfathered in at the current founding member fees - hit reply and lets talk.

For the Society - pretty much everything stays the same - at least for now,

Membership will be capped at 50 a year for the Society @ $10,000 per member paid upfront for the group level and $25,000 for the private tier capped at 10 q year.

I'll run 6 workshops a year for members with 10 to 20 open seats for non members who would like to access the workshops but don't have the finances for joining us as members just yet.

These workshops will be anywhere from $100 to $1500 depending on the subject matter and whether or not it's in person or virtual.

The workshops will cover critical aspects of the Tribemaster Framework essential to your success.

The very first issue of The Tribemaster Confidential - our monthly private newsletter for Tribemasters will be available on the 29th of September 2024.

It'll make up the lowest tier of membership in Tribemasters and will include some pretty interesting perks.

It'll be available for $100 a year or on a month by month basis for $10 a month.

TDM will of course continue as is and together with our #WeAreTribemasters facebook group will form the central space for all seekers, customers and clients of Tribemasters.

All the changes will kick of on the 29th of September 2024.

Tonight 'The Way of The Tribemaster officially Kicks' off at 7pm WAT

If you're already registered for it - you'd already have zoom details.

I look forward to seeing you - it's a small class.

My goal is to have a great recording of the entire framework recorded and also help some pretty cool people along the way.

That's it for now...

Till Tomorrow...

Get out of your own way.


P.S. The cart for Blueprint - How to go from zero to N60,000 a month with a simply $3000 coaching offer is now open. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Registration ends on Monday 22nd July 2024.

