[TDM] Sex and the Nigerian Couple
Apr 26, 2022 6:31 am
Hey there
I don't know about you...
I find sex absolutely fascinating!
There's just something about the subtle and not so subtle copulation that takes place between two people in love or not in love that totally fascinates me!
But don't worry...
I'm not about to give you a graphic blow by blow account of my sexual experiences...
Tempting though that may be...
I've been an active student of sex for about 20+ years now...
Even started a Sex Therapy Practice: Renee's
It's been fun...
In that time...
I've hung out with and had very interesting conversations with people with very many different sexual orientations...
Those conversations have always lead to me being invited to communities I might never have even known existed...
Recently in one such community...
A question was asked:
"How many times can you have sex in one night?"
250+ comments later...
It was pretty obvious that the average was 3 times...
What I found interesting though was that each person knew their number was...
And was very clear about what happens when they go beyond that number...
And they where pretty open and honest about it.
When it comes to launching mind viruses...
Those two things are also vitally important...
Knowing your numbers....
And being Truthful and Transparent...
You need to be able to track what's working and what's not.
Having that information gives you the opportunity to effectively track your success or failures as the case may be.
There are many different tools that can be used to stay on track concerning your numbers...
Some are free...others paid.
Choose the one that works best for the kind of community you want to run.
Concerning truth and transparency....
Think seriously about what you will allow to be known publicly about you and what information will be available to people at different levels...
In my case for instance...
There are parts of my life and success and failures I will share with you here through the daily mentor...
But there are things about me that only members at the platinum levels and above will ever know...
Why is that important?
Because transparency is a currency that you can use to buy trust...
It also can be used to reward loyalty and contribution from your community members.
If you know how to use it...
And ultimately this game is all about earning and keeping the trust of your market.
Remember the 5 stages of engagement?
Think ahead about the level of transparency you will allow at each level and what exactly you're trading that level of transparency for.
Transparency is currency...
You can use it to earn trust and reward loyalty and contribution to your vision.
Till tomorrow
Get out of your own way.